Speech is a Journey of Choices
Informative speeches are usually about: OBJECTS, CONCEPTS, PEOPLE / PLACES, or PROCESSES
Choosing an Informative Topic Need to know Neat to know Relevant to audience Researchable (5 sources) Recent Appropriate scope (5-6 min)
Speech Example
Preparing the Info Speech
Finding Quality Sources Know your search terms Use Academic Search Elite Use Google News, or similar Vet the credibility of online writers Cross-reference your information
Organization: Brainstorm > Group > Eliminate 3 main points 2-4 subpoints Use connectives preview, review, signposts, transitions (prior, next pt)
Avoid Long Lists
Create a Mini-Speech Form groups; Choose a speaker Choose a topic your team knows well Use Wikipedia for quick research Brainstorm all possible subtopics Group into main points / subpoints Work out specific facts for each Come up with an intro and conclusion Attention grabber, purpose preview Review, lasting thought Practice, then give speech for a neighboring group
Respect the Available Time
Modes of Delivery
Modes of Delivery
Modes of Delivery
Making Eye Contact
Delivery Guidelines Delivery: Minimizing distracting non-verbal and vocal filler, keeping gestures purposeful, having a neutral speaking stance, sustaining eye contact, using vocal variation, transition movement, and clear articulation. Speaking from abbreviated notes, holding cards vertical in the palm of hand, and resting arms at sides when not gesturing or looking at notes.
Don’t Plagiarize! Verbally cite, and note in your outline at least 5 sources, stating publication and date.
Conquering Nervousness Aka Speech Anxiety, Stage Fright, Communication Apprehension, Frog in the Throat, Butterflies in the Stomach, or just Mortal Dread
Signs of Speech Anxiety Physiological Psychological
Overcoming Stage Fright Communication Apprehension Self-Fulfilling Prophecy / Self-Talk Practice! Nervousness as Energy Positive Visualization Audience as Allies Conscious Breathing Stretching Be message-focused and audience-centered