doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> March 2006 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [PHY Performance Comparison between 15.4a CSS and 15.4 DSSS] Date Submitted: [6 March, 2006] Source: [(1) Kyung-Kuk Lee, et al, (2) Rainer Hach, et al] Company [(1) Orthotron Co., Ltd., (2) Nanotron Technologies] Address [(1) 709 Kranz Techono, 5442-1 Sangdaewon-dong, Jungwon-gu, Sungnam-si, Kyungki-do, Korea 462-120, (2) Alt-Moabit 60, 10555 Berlin, Germany] Voice:[(1) +82 31 777 8198, (2) +49 30 399 954 207 ], FAX: [], E-Mail: [(1), (2)] Re: [] Abstract: [] Purpose: [Submit simulation results on range and robustness of these modulations] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Hach, Lee <author>, <company>
Kyung-Kuk Lee / Jong-Wha Chong, Sang-Hun Yoon, Jin-Doo Jung March 2006 PHY Performance Comparison between 15.4a CSS and 15.4 DSSS by Kyung-Kuk Lee / Jong-Wha Chong, Sang-Hun Yoon, Jin-Doo Jung Orthotron Co., Ltd. / Hanyang Univ., Korea & Rainer Hach Nanotron Technologies Hach, Lee
Table of contents Theoretical PER performance over AWGN channel March 2006 Table of contents Theoretical PER performance over AWGN channel Assumptions for simulations 15.4 DSSS over Exponential Diffuse Channel 15.4a CSS over Exponential Diffuse Channel Conclusion Hach, Lee
Theoretical PER Performance over AWGN Channel March 2006 Theoretical PER Performance over AWGN Channel Formula for 15.4 DSSS: 16 ary, orthogonal Formula for 15.4a CSS: Biorthogonal coded, see15-05-0577-02-004a Hach, Lee
Assumptions for simulations March 2006 Assumptions for simulations Floating point simulation of optimum non-coherent demodulator. Detection based on largest correlation peak (largest path) … No RAKE or equalizer. Assume channel is constant throughout packet (quasi-static) and uncorrelated from packet to packet. 20 Bytes per packet Sampling rate for 15.4 DSSS: 16 MHz Sampling rate for 15.4a CSS: 32MHz Diffuse channel model as introduced in 15-04-337-00-004b Hach, Lee
March 2006 15.4 DSSS Performance over Exp. Diffuse Ch. according to 15-04-337-00-004b Trms EbN0 @PER=1E-2 100ns >22dB 200ns 300ns >23dB 400ns >27dB 500ns >38dB Hach, Lee
15.4a CSS Performance over Exp. Diffuse Ch. (1Mbps) March 2006 15.4a CSS Performance over Exp. Diffuse Ch. (1Mbps) Trms EbN0 @PER=1E-2 100ns <17dB 200ns <15dB 300ns 400ns <16dB 500ns <18dB Hach, Lee
Comparing the Numbers 15.4 DSSS 15.4a CSS Difference March 2006 Trms EbN0 @PER=1E-2 15.4a CSS Difference 100ns >22dB <17dB > 5 dB 200ns <15dB > 7 dB 300ns >23dB > 8 dB 400ns >27dB <16dB >11 dB 500ns >38dB <18dB > 20 dB Hach, Lee
March 2006 Conclusion 4a CSS gives 2 dB improvment of performence over 15.4 DSSS in AWGN (250Kbps) 4a CSS gives between 5 and 20 dB improvement of performance in multipath environment Hach, Lee
March 2006 Thank you! Hach, Lee