Chapter 3: Integumentary System Professor Fowler Medical Terminology Chapter 3: Integumentary System Professor Fowler
Word parts Albin/o: white Ichthy/o: dry/scaly Scler/o: hard Bi/o: life Kerat/o: hard, horny Seb/o: sebum (oil) Cry/o: cold Leuk/o: white Trich/o: hair Cutane/o: skin Lip/o: fat Vesic/o: vesicle Cyan/o: blue Melan/o: dark, black Xer/o: dry Derm/o, dermat/o Myc/o: fungus -derma: skin Diaphor/o: excessive sweating Necr/o: death -opsy: to view Onych/o: nail -tome: instrument to cut Electr/o: electricity Pedicul/o: lice Erythr/o: red Allo- different Phot/o: light Hidr/o: sweat Auto- Self Py/o: pus Hydr/o: water Xeno- foreign Rhytid/o: wrinkle
Signs and Symptoms Abrasion: “rug burn” Purulent: pus filled Cyanosis: blue skin (pic) Urticaria: hives (pic) Diaphoresis: excessive sweating Ecchymosis: bruise (pic) Hirsutism: excessive hair (pic) Lesion: abnormality in skin Pallor: pale Petechiae: pinpoint red rash
Lesions Cyst: fluid filled sac Fissure: crack like Macule: flat discoloration Nevus: raised discoloration Nodule: hardened cyst Papule: small red area Pustule: red area with pus Ulcer: deterioration of skin Vesicle: blister (on top of skin) Wheal: hive
Pathology Acne: infected follicles (pic) Tinea: fungus infection Albinism: condition of no color (pic) Varicella: chicken pox (pic) Alopecia: hair loss (pic) Decubitus ulcer: bed sore/pressure sore Eczema: red patches (pic) Gangrene: tissue death (pic) Laceration: jagged wound Pediculosis: lice Psoriasis: gray plaque patches (pic)
Vocabulary Biopsy: to view living tissue Debridement: cut away dead tissue
Abbreviations Bx: biospy C & S: culture and sensitivity Decub: decubitus ulcer HSV: herpes simplex virus (oral herpes) I & D: incision and drainage Subq, SC: subcutaneous UV: ultraviolet
Integumentary System Composed of skin and accessory organs Also know as integument and cutaneous Largest organ - Weighs 20 pounds!! Purposes: protection, sensory receptors, secrete sweat and oil, regulate temperature
The Skin Epidermis Dermis – true skin – corium Dead except basal layer Keratin: hard protein Melanin: dark pigment Dermis – true skin – corium Collagen fibers Subcutaneous – hypodermis lipocytes
Accessory Organs Hair – figure 3.3 page 55 Nails – figure 3.4 page 55 Hair root Hair shaft Hair follicle Nails – figure 3.4 page 55 Nail body Nail bed Nail root Cuticle Free edge lunula
Accessory Organs Sebaceous Glands Sweat (Sudoriferous) Glands Sebum (oil) purpose Sweat (Sudoriferous) Glands Duct Pore Purpose Types: Eccrine and Apocrine