Strategies to Promote Healthy Eating at Your Worksite
Randolph-Sheppard Act (20 U.S.C. §107 et seq.) Administered by State Licensing Agencies Elected Committee of Blind Vendors -Background info…(passed US Congresss 1936; amended 1974) -Federal act gives preference to blind persons to operate vending facilities on public property -Applies to state agency cafeterias and vending machines (some exclusions) -Administered by State Licensing Agencies, but requires establishment of an elected committee of blind vendors who actively participate to develop program policies -Elected committee of blind vendors develop policies, so some variance between states in implementation
-Texas agency responsible for implementing Randolph Sheppard is DARS/DBS – BET -Federally sponsored, state-administered program that provides food management opportunities for Texans who are blind under authority of Randolph-Sheppard Act -Responsible for licensing blind persons to operate vending facilities on state, federal and other property -Competitive/bidding process for contracts -For profit business operation – state agency cannot dictate foods sold, set restrictions, or compete with foods sold -Best success to date through approaching individual managers -Not BET’s role to dictate what vendors sell, but they would like to know progress and initiatives in cafeterias -Bottom line – they are business folks. Use this lens – how can you help grow their business or expand customer base? If something is not increasing profits (or isn’t at least cost neutral), what else might be feasible? -If increasing healthy options (or decreasing unhealthy options) is the goal, be creative – there are a million ways you can move this forward -Do not approach a manager with a set agenda. If they don’t buy in and have the ability to develop an initiative with you, you may be setting yourself up for failure
Sustainable Food Center cultivates a healthy community by strengthening the local food system and improving access to nutritious, affordable food. SFC envisions a food secure community where all children and adults grow, share and prepare healthy, local food. 512-236-0074
SFC programs Farmers markets WIC FMNP and Food Stamp EBT programs Farm direct deliveries to hospitals, universities, and worksites
SFC programs Farm to Work Created as a partnership project with DSHS and SFC Goal: make fruits and vegetables the easy choice Orders and payments made online, with deliveries at the worksite.
SFC programs Farm-to-Cafeteria Direct deliveries to worksite cafeterias SFC connects farmers with institutions, provides administrative and promotional support
SFC programs Peer-facilitated cooking classes Interactive nutrition demonstrations Food and nutrition resources