Title presenter’s name
Problem statement What general issue/problem/question did you address? What is significant about this issue (why is this issue important)?
Background Include a brief background on topic that ensures the listener understands the context and background of the topic. Could be multiple slides.
Objectives List the objectives of your project
Methods describe methods if you are doing a literature review, say where you looked and for what if you are doing a data analysis or modeling project, tell us about the data and/or modeling
Results, Slide 1 describe results/findings include figures/simple tables may be more than one slide
Results, Slide 2 describe results/findings include figures/simple tables may be more than one slide
Results, Slide 3 describe results/findings include figures/simple tables may be more than one slide
Results, Slide 4 (continue with more Results slides as needed) describe results/findings include figures/simple tables may be more than one slide
Conclusions what did you learn? what do you want us to remember? 3-5 bullets
Reference list stop on your conclusions, not on this slide this is for me to see when grading