A network for those interested in the interaction between science and Christianity hold
Thinking about leaflets CiS provides leaflets written by mainstream scientists to help Christians get to grips with issues around Science and Faith Plus many more titles hold
These and more titles are available at www.cis.org.uk/resources We have leaflets especially for students - Being a Christian in……. These and more titles are available at www.cis.org.uk/resources hold
You can access all CiS material via our website or the CiS App! hold
To support CiS or become a member please see all details on our website hold
On the CiS website there are - Details of all CiS local groups CiS conference information and a myriad of other resources and features hold
Bristol Friday 19th Jan 2018 – 7pm for 7.30pm Dr Hilary Marlow Creation Care and the Kingdom of God Dr Hilary Marlow hold