Larix decidua M ILL. Elena Foffová, 1 Vladimír Foff 2, Roman Longauer 1 1 National Forest Centre Control of Forest Reproductive Material 2 LIA, Ltd. Forestry Information Agency
Species Category [ha]Total 1234 [ha] Count Coniferous species P. abies A. alba P. sylvestris L. decidua P. nigra P. cembra P. menziesii Broadleaved species F. sylvatica Q. petraea F. excelsior Q. robur A. pseudoplatanus A. glutinosa B. pendula 25 9 Q. ceris 49 8 T. cordata Q. rubra 30 5 C. betulus 27 4 Slovakia Total area: ha Area of forests: ha 40,1 %
Species% P. abies26,1 A. alba4,0 P. sylvestris7,2 L. decidua2,4 P. mugo1,1 Total40,8 Species% Quercus10,2 Q. cerris2,5 Fagus31,2 Carpinus5,7 Acer2,0 Fraxinus1,4 Robinia1,7 Betula1,4 Alnus0,8 Tilia0,4 Populus0,9 Other0,3 Total29,2
Distribution area of Larix decidua
Distribution area of Larix decidua in Slovakia
Larix decidua - sources Regions of provenances Approved stands RegionCountArea Total Trees Count Orchards CountArea 23,00 818,48 13,50 11, ,96 35,0 2778,44
Larix decidua – seeds and plants Seeds Year Region of provenances Total Seeds [in kg] Year Region of provenances Total Inventory of plants [in pieces] Year Age of plants [in years] 12345Total Reforestation [in pieces] Year Age of plants [in years] 12345Total
Larix decidua – provenance research Podbanské - IUFRO I.55 provenances1944 Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland Podbanské - IUFRO II.14 provenances1958–1959 Austria, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania Likavka5 provenances1908 Larix decidua, Larix leptolepis, Larix sibirica ŠLP Zvolen12 provenances1961 Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany Antol27 provenances Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany Hnilčík16 provenances Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany Mlynky8 provenances Slovakia