LAMAS Working Group 17-18 June 2015 Conclusions
Point 2.1 - IESS Looking at issue on adding sub-sampling sentence Feasibility studies re-discussed at next LAMAS meeting with IESS final text Keep informed on adding no. of variables in FR Testing requirement for implementing act DSS in September – final discussion, will be sent to LAMAS.
Point 2.2 - new content: variables & modules Not final decision today on variables – ready at end of 2017, include any pilot results we have at the time, only partial results of AHM2017 Agreement on frequency changes NEEDCARE testing and then review. Self-employed proposal kept for now. Feasibility studies discussion in December LAMAS on organisation.
Point 2.3 - Household subsampling in the LFS -1 LAMAS appreciates the effort Looking at policy requirements Agree with the proposals, amending regulation in future Extensions 1 and 2 are dropped Some information is needed Size proposal after summer Agreement on consistency and weighting
Point 2.3 - Household subsampling in the LFS -2 Come back after summer on option to continue discussion in sub-group HH definition differs between surveys. SILC more strict than LFS, which is more strict than census. Question on HH definition not yet discussed in context of IESS. No agreement whether this concept should be common across all. Proxy should be discussed. More strict in SILC. Maybe open a general discussion in LFS-context.
Point 2.4 - Measurement of employment and unemployment 3 months criterion is based on TF work. We should keep derogations out. If we want input harmonisation, we can't deviate from the operational definition. They should not be included. Can ask for derogations later – it will be in the negotiations of the implementing act. We should try to achieve comparability on this important measure.
Point 2.5 - Flows – TF work LAMAS congratulates TF on fast and pragmatic approach and endorses proposal and recommendations of TF. Policy requirement is strong. Increased burden, but we can't escape to get this info into the LFS. It will be included only from IESS, think about situation in 2030. Not an option to drop. Commissioner has "mobility" in title… Complements migration statistics. Division in LAMAS: support vs concerns on burden.
Point 2.5 - Flows – COUNTRPR LAMAS concludes there is burden but also high policy relevance. No need for final decision – only for 2017. Good to keep it on list for now, but in-between it should be tested before. We will also get results of AHM2014 in time. AT idea of mock-up tables is a good idea. With additional info we can then take final final decision.
Point 2.5 - Flows – Press release Concluding on the press release: We need to have big discussion internally, checking for quality sample size and so on and negotiate with PO. Producing revised version afterwards. Will be different. We will circulate to LAMAS you can then comment in writing on this version – we will take them into account if possible, even if we decide in the end… Difficult when missing three countries. In July we will circulate to you.
Point 2.6 - Future system of AHM -1 Conclusion we have agreed on steps For transition we will launch a consultation: Proposals for tested variables from NSI's. Must drop if including further. Need to check with EMPL. For young people we review filters in Eurostat. Fully in June 2017 LAMAS.
Point 2.6 - Future system of AHM -2 For 2018 module. Please test/pilot so we get extensive results. This will be basis for inclusion in LFS. On MQ agreement on limited deviations for good reasons.
Point 2.7 – Monthly LFS -1 LAMAS thanks the TF for the work which has been done and is very interesting. The final report can however not be endorsed at the current point in time. Listen to comments and come back at next meeting Issues IESS and quality framework should be separated. Framework will not be published as it looks now
Point 2.7 – Monthly LFS -2 Something should be in IESS. Annex VI has a requirement on something on monthly data. We need something to ensure that we get some data. We will review the annex VI of the FR in the view of the report. The quality framework stays outside legal text. Need to agree on annex VI during summer. Written consultation on annex VI by end of August. Come back on report of TF on way forward in December meeting.
Point 2.8 – Standardisation FTPT: Not LFS, contractual hours discussed in TF Impossible in other surveys Will make written vote on FTPT Agreement on P1 P2 only concern on ISCO
Point 2.9 – income variable Need to improve INCDECIL quality Agree to provide real values Collect either gross or net Extended deadline 21 months One target for transmission Check with users for next meeting More precise on dissemination
Point 2.10 – GALI + SPH Eurostat sends out background documents and studies LAMAS is slightly in favour To be decided at DSS
Point 3.1 – 2017 AHM 2017AHM variables are mainly kept given time constraints SE REAS current situation, PREFSTAPRO for main job Explanatory notes detailed – will be sent Future LFS variables we have more time to review, written comments by end-July
Point 3.2 – 2018 AHM Hear concerns to simplify Have to keep three submodules, maybe one can be dropped for future. Try to get input from users LAMAS asks TF to make proposal for regular module in future LFS, once submodule number is clarified
Point 4.1 – Main indicators Discuss population definition in IESS? Longstanding user request Publication by the end of the year No grants Exact list of series provided Consistency critical: Bilateral videoconferences with concerned countries (mainly SA) Documentation is very important
Point 4.4 – MIP Need to keep burden down, but MS must validate MUR chosen as input due to break corrections Eurostat will further check on decision – should be re-investigated. Is it sufficient to have only LFS in the template (hybrid methods)?
Point 5 – AOB – OECD data delivery Raised by PL