Cambridge Histories Online Tutorial B.H. Carroll Theological Institute, 9/29/16
Cambridge Histories Online (CHO) Library Tutorial The following tutorial helps you to explore some of the research features of this database. You may want to mirror the actions of the tutorial in a new window, to see how it works for yourself. Be sure to look for the bold red comments and red arrows on each page of the tutorial; they point out important information about the tool and its use. This is a limited tutorial. The best way to learn this tool is to start using it yourself after viewing the tutorial. Don’t be afraid to explore its capabilities. We start from within the Carroll Learning Center in this tutorial; please see the Accessing the CLC Tutorial if you are not already familiar with this preliminary step.
In the CLC, choose the ‘Triple Gate’ or Library Block
Choose “Library” from the list Or, choose the arrow to pull up a short list of database names Choose the word “Library” here for a full list of CLC Library resources with descriptors of each resource
Choose a database from the list Or choose the name of the database from the short list of CLC Library resources here Scroll down from here to choose a database from the full list of CLC Library resources with descriptors of each resource
On the following pass through screen, take note of the Username And Password You will have to input these manually on the next screen Use capital letters and lower case as shown on the screen
Type in your search terms, for instance, Zwingli type your search in the empty box, then choose “Search” here Select the checkoff box marked “Only Search Content I Have Access To”
Scroll though the list, and choose an entry (on the blue letters) to view
Read, print, cite, or email selected entries
Cambridge Histories Online Library Tutorial The following tutorial explore some of the research features of this database. This is a limited tutorial. The best way to learn this tool is to start using it yourself after viewing the tutorial. Don’t be afraid to explore its capabilities. Visit the Librarian’s wiki at for more search help!