Problems for New Nation
Why was Pennsylvania money worthless in New York? Although some patriots proclaimed American unity, much competitive spirit existed among states in 1787. Moreover, many Americans felt more loyalty to their state than to the new union. In many ways, each state behaved like a small country. They imposed taxes and tariffs on goods from other states. Some formed their own navies and signed treaties with other countries. Many printed their own money—which was worthless in any other state. Finding a balance between state and federal authority would challenge the new nation.
PROBLEMS FACING THE NEW NATIONS Economic Problems Need $$$ Debt Recession Foreign Relations Need to make friends State Relations “United” only by name
Economic Problems Traders had to pay high customs duties. The southern economy was hurt without Great Britain’s bonuses to support key colonial industries such as indigo and naval stores. Paper money that was not backed by gold or silver was issued—led to inflation. States could levy taxes.
The Articles of Confederation America’s 1st Constitution 1781-1789 The Articles had 2 major achievements: Bringing the Revolutionary War to a successful conclusion North West Ordinance and Land Ordinance of 1785 – set precedent for adding states
Land Ordinance of 1785 The territory was divided into 10 districts. Land would be surveyed and divided into a neat grid of townships, each 6 miles square. Each township had 36 sections, each 1 mile square. Government owned four of the sections. One section would be sold to support public schools. This same regular grid was used in other territories. It ended many boundary disputes.
Northwest Ordinance Passed 1787 Encouraged orderly settlement and the formation of new states, all controlled by law Promised settlers religious freedom and other civil rights Did not allow slavery in the Northwest Territory A single governor was put in charge.
Districts and Territories A district could become territory with a population of 5,000 adult males. Then could send a nonvoting representative to Congress A territory could write a constitution and apply for statehood with a population of 60,000.
The Articles of Confederation America’s 1st Constitution 1781-1789 Strengths Weaknesses Congress was given the power to: Declare War & Establish an Army/Navy No Power to Draft Soldiers
The Articles of Confederation America’s 1st Constitution 1781-1789 Strengths Weaknesses Congress was given the power to: Make Peace & Sign Treaties No Power to Enforce Treaties
The Articles of Confederation America’s 1st Constitution 1781-1789 Strengths Weaknesses Congress was given the power to: No Power to Collect Taxes from the States Borrow Money
The Articles of Confederation America’s 1st Constitution 1781-1789 Strengths Weaknesses Congress was given the power to: Organize a Post Office
The Articles of Confederation America’s 1st Constitution 1781-1789 Strengths Weaknesses Congress was given the power to: No Chief Executive No national court system No Power to Regulate Interstate Commerce No National Currency Difficult to Pass laws (2/3 vote)
The Articles of Confederation America’s 1st Constitution 1781-1789 Strengths Weaknesses Congress was given the power to: Difficult to Amend (unanimous vote needed to change the articles)
The Articles of Confederation Congress given the power to: Declare War Make Peace Sign Treaties Borrow Money Establish an Army & Navy Organize a Post Office No Chief Executive No National Court System No Power to Draft Soldiers No Power to Control Interstate Commerce No Power to Enforce Treaties No Power to Collect Taxes from the States Difficult to Pass Laws (2/3 vote) No National Currency Difficult to Amend (Unanimous Vote Needed to Change Articles)
Why did the Founding Fathers Choose a Confederation plan of government Why did the Founding Fathers Choose a Confederation plan of government? They feared that a strong central government would create tyranny, and stamp out the peoples natural God given rights.
Republicanism Americans wanted a republic, a political system without a monarch. It would rule “with the consent of the governed.” Ideal of republicanism was that property- owning citizens would be active in government In reality, women, African Americans, Native Americans, and poor white laborers seldom owned property or took part in government
Shay’s Rebellion Farmers in Mass. Taxed and in a lot of debt Would go to jail Planned to seize ammunition and arms Daniel Shay leads an uprising in the spirit of the “Revolution” Gov. cant stop it
What should be the government’s major concern according to Jefferson? Reactions…. What should be the government’s major concern according to Jefferson? I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government - Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison, Jan. 30, 1787