13.3 – Corporate Information Systems Strategy Module 4 “Information Systems within Organisations” 13.3 – Corporate Information Systems Strategy
Organisational Pyramid MANAGERS determine organisational goals and plan what steps to take to achieve those goals. They approve new products and supervise workers. WORKERS are people who carry out an organisation’s mission. Workers are supervised by managers.
Organisational Pyramid The Workers INFORMATION WORKERS produce and manipulate information. A computer is one of the most important tools for an information worker. SERVICE WORKERS deliver services to customers, with a focus on person-to-person interaction. Service workers do use computers – mostly for calendars and communication. GOODS WORKERS create and manipulate physical objects. Sometimes use computers and robots to manipulate and analyse objects.
Organisational Pyramid The Managers EXECUTIVE MANAGERS set long-range goals for an organisation. Mostly entrepreneurs who create new businesses. Their emphasis on long-range planning is referred to as strategic planning. MIDDLE MANAGERS are responsible for designing the ways to achieve the plans laid out by executive managers. They decide how to deploy human, financial and natural resources to achieve goals. Referred to as tactical planning. SUPERVISORS are managers who deal with the day-to-day running of operations. They schedule workers and processes. Known as operational planning.