Transport Portfolio Committee Department of Transport ROAD SAFETY ISSUES AND SECURITY Transport Portfolio Committee MAY 2006 Wendy Watson Chief Director: Land Transport Regulation
Outline of presentation The Challenge SA situation Background Strategic Imperatives International perspectives Vision Proposed Actions Management Institutional Reform Road Environment Driver Fitness Vehicle Fitness Pedestrians Targets And Outcomes
Context: Government responses 2001: Road to Safety: Long term strategy iro enabling environment, physical programs and institutions 1997: Short term strategies, reactive Eg. Arrive Alive / Tourist Bus Accident Package / Operation Juggernaut / Patrol vehicle project 2006: Consideration of Incorporating international Models to improve Road to Safety program
Context Road traffic safety affects every citizen and remains a public interest issue Road traffic safety levels in South Africa are unsatisfactory and unacceptable Cost of accidents +/-R40 billion in 2005, as well as immeasurable pain & suffering. 38 deaths (3 taxi related, 16 pedestrian), 21 disabling injuries and 125 serious injuries every day.
Traffic volumes and vehicle ownership increases year-on-year.
The rate of deaths per 100 million vehicle kilometres dropped between 2002 and 2004, but increased in 2005.
Summary & Overview - results There was a slight increase of 1.23% in the number of fatal road crashes from 973 accidents in December 2003 to 985 in December 2004. The increase in December 2005 was 19.8%. There has been an increase in traffic volumes of 12%, and an increase in vehicle registration of around 7% in 2006 The first four months of 2006 showed an increase in fatal crashes and fatalities measured over 2005. This is predictable and relates to increased traffic volumes and number of vehicles on the road.
What has been achieved since 2003? Improved training of traffic officers, general syllabus and 5000 trained in hazardous goods control. Highway patrol of 120 vehicles. Emotive television and radio campaign reaching 97% of people in SA. SIU contract to investigate drivers licenses. Tender for feasibility study into Periodic Vehicle Testing Establishment of RTMC National Call Centre established and functional. Statistics booklets published – two editions.
Achievements continued Legislative and regulatory changes made to NRTA National Law Enforcement Code nearly completed. Incident Management Manual completed. SANS code for bus drivers completed – SANS 10399 Inspections of DLTCs and VTS’s completed during year, and start made on registration of driving schools. New PrDP qualifications being developed.