TB epidemiological situation in Kyrgyzstan Elmira Abdrakhmanova KSRIT, Bishkek
Morbidity rates in the Kyrgyz Republic With MoI
TB morbidity among adults and children during 1992-2002 (per 100 TB morbidity among adults and children during 1992-2002 (per 100.000 people) children adults
Dynamics of growth of the number of TB patients in the Kyrgyz Republic (absolute number) Without MoI MoI
Mortality rates in the Kyrgyz Republic Mortality without MoI With MoI
REGULATORY DOCUMENTS National program «Tuberculosis-I» for 1996-2000 Law of Kyrgyz Republic «On the protection of population against tuberculosis» «Tuberculosis- II» for 2001-2005
National program «Tuberculosis-I» GOAL : Stabilization of TB morbidity and mortality rates by 2000 and consequently bringing them down TARGETS: Maximum detection of infection sources by registration of up to 70% of all TB cases (primarily passive detection). Application of directly observed treatment, short-course chemotherapy Reaching 85% cure rate in newly detected patients with smear+. National program «Tuberculosis- II» for 2001-2005 Specifics of «Tuberculosis- II» program: Detection of reservoir of resistant forms of tuberculosis Implementation of DOTS PLUS strategy, aimed at preventing drug resistant tuberculosis
Major achievements of «Tuberculosis» National Program 1 Major achievements of «Tuberculosis» National Program 1. Commitment of the government and local administration to combat TB 2. Implementation of the interdepartmental and interagency approach to TB control 3. Implementation of WHO DOTS strategy for tuberculosis control 4. A three-step coordination system for monitoring of patient management of newly detected patients has been created 5. Strengthening of logistics of lab services and TB facilities
6. There has been improvement in case detection through bacteriological examination in primary health care facilities 7. Due to the grants of the German Bank for Development the availability of anti-TB drugs for newly detected patients amounts to 100% 8. There has been a reduction in cost of keeping a patient in in-patient clinics 9. The efficacy of treatment of newly detected cases during the past 3 years has reached 84,4%
Pulmonary TB detection rate in suspects (Smear+) by way of smear microscopy Smear+ detected Total number examined
Percentage of bacilli forms of pulmonary TB in the Kyrgyz Republic Smear+ Smear-
Sputum conversion in pulmonary TB patients with smear + in 1998-2002 (%)
Outcome of treatment of newly detected pulmonary TB with smear +, (%)
Number of TB beds in the republic
Annual increase in the incidence rate of tuberculosis in the Kyrgyz Republic (%)
Tasks that require solutions: 1 Tasks that require solutions: 1. Strict compliance with the law “On the protection of population against tuberculosis” 2. Support of adequate planning and allocation of funds for TB control arrangements 3. Further strengthening of technical and lab facilities of TB services 4. Providing of timely diagnostics for the population 5. Uninterrupted supply of all regions with anti-TB drugs for treatment of all foms and cases of tuberculosis 6. Enhancing of effectiveness of TB awareness campaign among the population
Stabilization and a further drop in mortality from tuberculosis Conclusions: DOTS implementation has resulted in the annual reduction in the growth of incidence Stabilization and a further drop in mortality from tuberculosis
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