EL5 People who help me and look after me – Professional People I am learning that adults have different roles to play in helping us such as parent, carer, teacher, doctor. I know that I have a right to be cared for in certain ways and why this is important. I know that care can be different and come from different people. I am aware of who to talk to when worried about anything. rshp.scot
Janitor rshp.scot
Teacher rshp.scot
PSA / Classroom Assistant rshp.scot
School office staff rshp.scot
School Cleaner rshp.scot
Kitchen/ Dinner hall staff rshp.scot
Lollipop person rshp.scot
Police person rshp.scot
Fire fighters rshp.scot
Doctors rshp.scot
Nurses rshp.scot
Bus driver rshp.scot
Train conductor rshp.scot
Shop keeper rshp.scot