How are you? I’m hungry. I’m thirsty. I’m sick. I’m fine. I’m OK. I’m so so.
I feel great! I’m tired. I’m hot. I’m cold.
I feel great! I’m thirsty. I’m hungry. I’m sick. I’m tired. How are you, today? How are you, today? How are you, today? How are you, today? How are you, today? I feel great! I’m thirsty. I’m hungry. I’m sick. I’m tired.
I’m fine, thank you and you? How are you, today? How are you, today? How are you, today? I’m fine, thank you and you? I’m hungry! I’m thirsty!
2) helloimnormanimfineandyou Phrases kilomètres. Recopie les phrases correctement. Pense à la ponctuation et aux majuscules. 1) hiimbobimcold 1) Hi, I’m Bob. I’m cold. 2) helloimnormanimfineandyou 2) Hello, I’m Norman. I’m fine and you ?