magnanimous (adjective) definition:


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Presentation transcript:

magnanimous (adjective) definition: generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness revealing generosity or nobility of mind or character high-minded; noble

magnanimous pronunciation: mag-nan-uh-muh s

magnanimous synonyms: generous high-spirited noble altruistic selfless benevolent beneficent

magnanimous RELATED FORMS: adverb magnanimously noun magnanimity magnanimousness

magnanimous It takes a magnanimous person to forgive others.

magnanimous Magnanimous deeds can lead to great changes.

magnanimously The Red Cross magnanimously provides their services to communities in need.

magnanimously The dog magnanimously provided the kitten with a comfortable place to sleep.

magnanimously The young boy magnanimously showered the little girl with gifts.

magnanimity magnanimity. One of the things Dr. King will be remembered for is his magnanimity.

magnanimousness Magnanimousness characterized the tree’s attitude toward the little boy.