The verb shows the action in a sentence, and comes in different forms.


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Presentation transcript:

The verb shows the action in a sentence, and comes in different forms. Metalanguage a doing word The verb shows the action in a sentence, and comes in different forms. to play to go to listen to read to run to be to have to live to die to want

2. Noun Metalanguage a naming word A noun is a name that we give to someone or something. In French, nouns are masculine or feminine. un chien – a dog le courage – courage une abeille – a bee une idée – an idea

3. Article Metalanguage the words for ‘the’ or ‘a/an’ We place the definite article (the) or the indefinite article (a/an) in front of a noun. In French, these are different for masculine and feminine. un chien – a dog le courage – courage l’hôpital – the hospital une abeille – a bee la plage – the beach l’addition – the bill

4. Pronoun Metalanguage a word to replace a noun A pronoun is used instead of a noun and shows who is doing or receiving the action in a sentence. Je Tu Il/Elle/On Nous Vous Ils/Elles I You (informal) He/She/One We You (formal) They (m.)/They (f.)

5. Infinitive Metalanguage the ‘to’ form of a verb An infinitve is a verb starting with ‘to’. This needs to be changed before it is used in a sentence. Je être = I to be ✗ Je suis = I am ✓

6. Past participle Metalanguage the ‘past tense’ form of a verb The past participle is used with an auxiliary to form the past tense. Je suis allé pronoun auxiliary past participle

7. Auxiliary Metalanguage an ‘extra’ verb The auxiliary is used with another verb to form a different tense. Nous avons mangé pronoun auxiliary past participle

the process of changing a verb 8. Conjugation Metalanguage the process of changing a verb Sometimes, we have to conjugate infinitives so that they work in a sentence. Je joue Tu joues Il/Elle/On joue Nous jouons Vous jouez Ils/Elles jouent I play You play He/She/One plays We play They play

9. Subject Metalanguage the person or thing doing a verb The subject of a sentence is the one doing the action. Subject He is playing chess. She was singing Madonna. The cat will eat the dog.

10. Object Metalanguage the person or thing having the verb done to them The object of a sentence is the one receiving the action. He is playing chess. She was singing Madonna. The cat will eat the dog. Object