Warm Up Write Objective Write Question in “QOD” space on packet Answer question Worth points everyday!!! Warm Up
Please fill out the 4 x 6 card on your desk Please fill out the 4 x 6 card on your desk. Wait patiently and quietly for me when you’re done. Complete the following information on the side with lines Name: 3 Favorite Classes in School: Describe a project, activity, or game you did in school that you enjoyed: Do you have a computer with word processing at home? Do you have internet at home? Complete the Following on the blank side Home Address Home phone # Parent’s names Parent’s email (if you know it) Your email
Write your name (in clear, block letters) on paper, fold, and place at top of desk in view of the instructor. MRS. ALVAREZ
7 Things Every Students Wants to Know on the 1st Day of School 1. Am I in the right room? 2. Where am I supposed to sit? 3. What are the rules in this classroom? 4. What will I be doing this year? 5. How will I be graded? 6. Who is the teacher as a person? 7. Will you treat me as a human being?
Other Considerations Respect other’s property Respect others and their right to learn! Use time wisely Quality, Quality, Quality Be in your seat with all your materials when the bell rings, or you will be marked tardy. No personal grooming during class time. Sit in your assigned seat daily. Follow directions the first time they are given.
Other Considerations Participate! No FOOD in classroom. Beverages OK No drinks during labs No personal electronic devices (ipods, phones, ear buds, etc) Follow dress code The instructor dismisses you, NOT the bell. Academic honesty No copying work, cheating, cite sources correctly
Things that make Alvarez angry Having phone out Asking a question 5 seconds after I answered it Not listening when I give directions Being rude Angry face
Things that annoy Alvarez Tapping, clicking, or any other repetitive noise Being tardy Not putting any effort into the warm up Annoyed face
Failure to Follow Rules and Expectations… 1. Warning/Removal from class 2. Lunch Detention with Mrs. Alvarez and call home 3. Referral to Administration
What will we do this year?
How will you be graded? Classroom (50%) Quizzes/Tests (20%) Supervised Agriculture Experience (15%) Each student must have an ownership project, non-ownership project, or do work experience. FFA (15%) Each students must participate in at least 4 FFA activities every semester.
Who is the teacher? You will learn more about me tomorrow!
What I stand for Accountability Excellence Different learning styles, needs, accommodations, etc. Having fun!
Letter to Me
Name Interests/Hobbies/Sports Favorite Food Introductions
Random Question Time When is the next Clemency Day? What is body odor? Needs to be appropriate Needs to be “googleable” Can pertain to FFA/school, or completely random Can be taken away When is the next Clemency Day? When is the next FFA meeting? What is body odor? Who is the tallest man in the world? If you has to eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. Take your assigned seat When you come to class tomorrow… 1. Walk in quietly 2. Take your assigned seat 3. Take out your packet and begin working on the Objective/QOD 4. Sit quietly when you’re done and wait for class to begin. ***Music Privileges***
Start writing the objective and Question of the Day!
Task: Take the V.A.R.K learning assessment. What is your learning style?
Produce Responsible Behavior Develop Positive Relationships My Goals for Teaching Produce Responsible Behavior Develop Positive Relationships Reduce Stress Increase Academic Learning and Time on Task Awesome STAR Exam Results Make Learning Fun!
-One day for how many days absent Homework Packets -Warm ups/Monday Update Late Work Policy -One day for how many days absent
www.mrsalvarezclass.org Add the classcode: Period 1: 3xljzd9 Period 2: jlc17np Period 3: 5y7tk8a Period 4: yd1z8dm Period 5: 3mddi6
Classroom Procedures How to walk into class When you’re tardy Eating/drinking If you need pen/pencil/calculator, etc If it is too hot/cold If you don’t understand If you need to use the RR What to do if you’re absent Write this down! Quiz on Friday!
1. What do you do when the bell rings? 2. When will you be marked tardy? 3. If you aren’t prepared for class, what do you do? 4. What are the two ways you can turn in late work? 5. If you have an excused absence, how many days do you have to turn in work? 6. When are quizzes? 7. When can you use the restroom? What’s the procedure on using the restroom? 8. How many FFA Activities do I need? Practice Quiz
GOAL: Create Democratic Classroom!!! How do we accomplish this? Set clear expectations, work cooperatively, and have mutual respect.
The Task Brainstorm in groups! Example: What makes a bad classroom? What makes a good classroom? What makes a good student? What makes a good teacher? What kinds of behavior can ruin a class? What can our parents do to help? What makes a bad teacher?
Cultural Bingo
Polleverywhere Prezi Goanimate
Day Three Quiz on Classroom Procedures What is chemistry powerpoint/reaction demonstration or verbal input (without pw pt)? Agriculture and Chemistry: making connections
1. What do you do when the bell rings? 2. When will you be marked tardy? 3. If you aren’t prepared for class, what do you do? 4. What are the two ways you can turn in late work? 5. If you have an excused absence, how many days do you have to turn in work? 6. When are warm ups done? 7. When can you use the restroom? What’s the procedure on using the restroom? 8. How much is my bathroom pass worth for extra credit if not used? Quiz