Stone of Preparation
December 17, 2002
Can you imagine the time spent in preparation? What if the same preparation went into our homes and families? What about church?
Preparation is important when it comes to “building up” A house or home will not grow or build without preparation A church will not shine if there is no preparation Nehemiah didn’t rush to rebuild the walls I Peter 2:5
The Stone of Preparation
Nehemiah prepared by Petitioning the king Nehemiah knew he couldn’t rebuild the walls of Jerusalem from Susa Nehemiah received the king’s approval by praying, working as a cupbearer, and his countenance Nehemiah was ready to answer the king when asked
He asked for letters of authority to rebuild the walls He requested letters of authority for the materials needed to rebuild the walls He needed a letter to approve his work We have been given the “letter” to know of God’s approval (Word)
Nehemiah prepared by Probing the ruins He took three days to prepare before laying the first stone He went at night (2:11) He found the walls broken and the gates burned (2:13) He saw more at night than those who saw at day
Thought and planning must go into any building, especially with people “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15)
Nehemiah prepared by Persuading the residents Nehemiah was wise enough to know that he couldn’t do the job by himself He challenged others to arise and build He reminded the people of the distress they were in The people had gotten use to their deplorable situation
Nehemiah was ridiculed for stepping out and doing something He was in good company Jesus was riddled on the cross The apostles were ridiculed by some on Pentecost We need to be persuaded to arise and build up the Lord’s church
Be Prepared!