CS6020 Advanced Assembler Project I will email each of you a program in pseudo code form that will need to be implemented in assembly code via MARIE I should be able to enter numbers for the variables in checking the correctness of the implementation The pseudo code program will be email out by Tuesday night (October 4th) This being a graduate course with working professionals, class time will be provided to complete this project because it is expected that you all work in teams Both your Marie program and Multisim circuit will be presented during the same proesentation – more details of what I want is forthcoming Both the Architecture and Assembly Programming project work are due on October 17th at 5pm – upload to D2L. More details regarding this to follow Presentations for the Advanced Architecture and Assembly Programming projects will be held on Oct 18, Oct 25 and Nov 1st – you need to come only on the night you present. MARIE will be running on the class room PC and your presentation should be in powerpoint form