Every Soldier is a Sensor: Overview
2 Terminal Learning Objective Action: Identify key components and definitions of Every Soldier is a Sensor (ES2) Conditions: In a classroom or field environment, given this instruction Standards: Demonstrate understanding, via instructor checks on learning, of key definitions and the role that all Soldiers play as information sensors in support of Battlefield Operations
3 A Sensor NOT a Human Intelligence Collector Information gathering is every Soldiers responsibility Provides valuable information for further exploitation HUMINT operations require extensive training
4 Good Situational Awareness leads to good information gathering Good observational skills coupled with good tactical questioning skills Provides valuable information while keeping Soldiers safe Situational Awareness
5 Planning Good information gathering starts with knowing what the commander wants Know your SOPs and ROEs before you get to the operation
6 Planning Considerations Type of Mission Current Situation Commanders PIR Types of individuals expected Knowledge of individuals Specific Requirements
7 Detain List May Include Known or Suspected: Hostile agents, saboteurs, terrorists, political figures, subversives Leaders or members of hostile insurgent, partisan, paramilitary, or guerrilla forces Hostile political leaders Officials of enemy governments Enemy collaborators or sympathizers Military or civilians persons who have engaged in intelligence, police, security, or political indoctrination Others indicated by the G2 as automatic arrestees
8 Protect List May Include: Deposed political leaders Agents employed by the U.S. Key civilians involved in scientific research and development, to include university faculty and staff members at industrial or national facilities Leaders of religious or humanitarian groups Others who can aid US objectives
9 Of Intelligence Interest List May Include: Potential or actual defectors from the hostile cause Individual resistors who may be willing to cooperate Scientists and technicians involved in hostile research projects against their will
10 (Captured Enemy Document Tag and Form (DD Form 2745
11 Terminal Learning Objective Action: Identify key components and definitions of Every Soldier is a Sensor (ES2) Conditions: In a classroom or field environment, given this instruction Standards: Demonstrate understanding, via instructor checks on learning, of key definitions and the role that all Soldiers play as information sensors in support of Battlefield Operations