Housing Prioritization What it means for you
Why we prioritize To match the appropriate resource with the right client To ensure that more clients are served To utilize all available resources
Initial assessments VI-SPDAT Housing Prioritization Chart Subsequent assessments can/will be used to refine priority
VI-SPDAT Commonly utilized General assessment Three basic outcomes 0 to 3- Mainstream Resources 4 to 8- RRH, subsidy with temporary supports 9 and above- Permanent Supported Housing
Housing Prioritization Chart Developed by Maine CoC to allocate state/local resources Categorizes by situation as well as assessment score Client given “P” score, between P1- Long Term Stayers and P5- Circumstantially Homeless Use as a referral guide
Coordinated Entry Common assessment and prioritization (24CFR§576.400(d)) Clients entering system from many different places “No wrong door” means all programs must be on the same page
How this applies to you HCV and STEP applications will include assessment scores Referrals consistent with assessment scores will be the expectation Out-of-range referrals may require documentation that other resources were attempted
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