How to be a buddy at circle view The buddy bench How to be a buddy at circle view
What is it? A bench for kids who are looking for a buddy Safe place- no teasing/ be respectful It’s located Use at Lunch and Recess 1/2/3 in front of the MPR 4/5 in the baseball field dugout
Who is a buddy? Smiling face Eyes looking Calm voice Standing in front or near by Kind words “hey do you want to play?” Everyone gets assigned a day to be a buddy
I need a buddy I am a buddy Go sit on the bench Patient/ keep looking for the buddies Say hi Watch the bench Walk to the bench Say Hi and Invite to play
Now what? Pick an activity If you still need help, ask a teacher Don’t fight it out, rock it out Compromise Take turns If you still need help, ask a teacher Now what?
NOW let’s see what this looks like
Here’s a Song to help you remember: When you’re feeling blue and got nothin’ to do … When you’re feeling bad and really kind of sad… If someone’s being mean or causing a scene… When you don’t know what to say but you want to play… Recess is coming to an end and you need a friend… When you want to talk or just go for a walk… Go To The BUDDY BENCH, The BUDDY BENCH So take a seat and there’ll be friends to meet!
To have a friend, you have to be a friend Questions? To have a friend, you have to be a friend