An Efficient and Accurate DC Analysis Technique for Switched-Capacitor Circuits Gabor C. Temes School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Oregon State University
SC branch and DC model
Power and Energy Relations Power at input : Total Energy drawn from input : Change in energy stored in C : Power lost in switches, independent of switch(Ron):
Special Cases
SC Voltage-Doubler
DC model without Parasitics Power Efficiency
DC model with Parasitics
Parameters with Stray Capacitances DC Parameters Vout Iin Iout Pin Pout η DC Model 9.285V 44.29A 10A 221.4W 92.86W 42% HSPICE 9.2226V 45.53A 10.15A 227.6W 93.64W 41% Power efficiency is reduced due to the losses in parasitic
Active Filter Stage (1/2)
Active Filter Stage (2/2)
Input CM Generated in SCF (2/2) If (VA-VC)avg=0, the virtual ground VD will be connected to VB=VCM by an Reg=T/C resistance. Leakage current I causes changes in bias, or in common-mode voltage. For fully differential circuits;
Input CM Generated in SCF (1/2)