With a partner….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkV7XPh20ng Brainstorm what do you know about “imperialism”? (Who, what, when, where, WHY, terms, etc.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkV7XPh20ng
UNIT 10: Becoming a World Power Why/ how did the United States become a major international power? Rise of Imperialism (1890s- 1910s) World War I (1916-1919) Return to Neutrality (1920s)
Imperialism: ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, MILITARY AND/OR SOCIAL CONTROL OF ANOTHER NATION OR PEOPLE Where do you think The US would seek to Expand its influence? Why?
Context: Review U.S. foreign policy Washington’s Farewell Address, Proclamation of Neutrality (1790s) U.S. will stay neutral in foreign affairs: just trade Monroe Doctrine (1823) U.S. stays out of affairs of Europe…. Any attempt by Europe to colonize LATIN AMERICA will be seen as an act of aggression (Guarantees Latin American independence) Manifest Destiny (1840s)- expansion WEST
1. Military/Strategic Interests Other nations establishing a global military presence; we should too Alfred T. Mahan The Influence of Sea Power on History: 1660-1783 1890- becomes 3rd biggest navy: NEED PORTS
2. Commercial/Business Interests U. S. Foreign Investments: need to protect them US farms and factories producing surpluses- need new markets Access to raw materials
3. Social Darwinist Thinking The White Man’s Burden- other races need to be “civilized” The Hierarchy of Race- Anglo Saxons are superior
Cartoons What techniques are used? Symbols, labeling, exageration… Analogy, irony Interpret the message of the cartoonist on imperialism: For or against? Why?
Is imperialism an extension of Manifest Destiny Is imperialism an extension of Manifest Destiny? How are the motives of IMPERIALISM in the late 1800s and MANIFEST DESTINY in the 1840s similar and different?
Ticket to leave List 2 reasons America became imperialist at the turn of the 20 Century: List an economic reason for the annexation of Hawaii the “Open Door Policy” Name one connection between Manifest Destiny of the 1840s and imperialism at the end of the century.
John L. Stevens “The Hawaiian pear is now fully ripe, and this is the golden hour for the United States to pluck it.”
Queen Liliuokalani “I, Liliuokalani, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional government of the Hawaiian kingdom…To avoid loss of life, I yield my authority under protest…”
America Becomes a Colonial Power 1890-1920