How to Teach Speaking Alice Chiu.


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Presentation transcript:

How to Teach Speaking Alice Chiu

Table of Contents Teaching Philosophy Teaching Activities

Learning Pyramid A learning theory developed by National Training Laboratories (USA) in 1960

Instructional Design Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation Smith & Ragan’s Model

Cooperative Learning positive interdependence individual accountability face-to-face promotive interaction interpersonal and small group skills group processing Johnson & Johnson (1999) 積極互賴 個人學習績效 助長式的互動 人際及小組技巧 團體歷程

Group Tasks writings (Individual work) sharing time (group) presentation (group) evaluation 2(individual work + group work) Lesson Plan for Group Task Unit 2 Lesson Plan for Group Task Unit 3

Speaking Activities Text-based Group tasks Pride and Problem Dating survey Commercial Ads The Phantom of the Opera

Speaking Activities Project-based activities Three-minute Speech (individual) Small Group Speech (group) Show and Tell
