Who is hippie? The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s, swiftly spreading to other countries around the world. Originally, hippies were part of a youth movement composed mostly of teenagers and young adults, between the ages of 15 and 25 years old, who inherited a tradition of cultural dissent from the Bohemians and the beatniks.
Ideologie of hippies Hippies rejected established institutions, criticized middle class values, opposed nuclear weapons, opposed the Vietnam War, embraced aspects of Eastern religions, championed sexual liberation, promoted the use of psychedelic drugs and created intentional communities. They used alternative arts, street theatre, folk music, and psychedelic rock as a part of their lifestyle, and as a way of expressing their feelings, their protests, and their vision of the world and life. Hippies opposed political and social orthodoxy, choosing a gentle and nondoctrinaire ideology that favored peace, love, and personal freedom.
Philisophy of hippies To be a hippie you must believe in peace as the way to resolve differences among peoples, ideologies and religions. The way to peace is through love and tolerance. Loving means accepting others as they are, giving them freedom to express themselves and not judging them based on appearances. This is the core of the hippie philosophy.
Hippies and religion So the hippies were people who were looking for something else than what the society proposed them in terms of spirituality. They went to look in the already established religions all around the world and together they created a movement that is called New-Age, and that is including the philosophies of every religion, as well as many current thoughts that are not considered religions; stuff like ecology, pacifism, humanism, etc.
Hippies and musik Another factor influencing hippie counterculture was the increasing popularity of rock and roll music. Rock and roll was a groundbreaking new type of art that encouraged peaceful expression, while also bringing people together and uniting them. Many hippies shared their culture through musical concerts and gathering, the most famous of which are Woodstock and the Summer of Love
Style of hippies Hippie style included long, flowing hair for both men and women, and often beards for men. Since hippies rejected the modern American mainstream, ethnic clothes were popular, as were old-fashioned styles. Both men and women commonly wore headbands, floppy hats, flowing scarves, and beads with blue jeans or bell-bottoms and tie-dyed T-shirts. Flowered clothing and embroidery were popular, and flowers became an important hippie symbol because hippies revered and felt connected to nature. "Flower power" was a term used to describe the hippie movement, and it was not uncommon for hippies at antiwar demonstrations to give flowers to police and soldiers, even placing flowers in the muzzles of their guns.