4-5 p.m. Session 1 Training Ext. Office Plug in and start incubators and egg turner Contact Katharine with any questions or problems w/ equipment 3-5 p.m. Pick Up eggs U of I Ext. Office Day 1: Set Eggs Day 7: Optional day to candle eggs
Day 14: Optional day to candle eggs Day 18: Set up brooder box & take eggs out of turner (end of day) Day 21: Chick Hatch Day! Day 22: Chick Hatch Day! Day 23: Chick Hatch Day! By end of day, dispose of any unhatched eggs Day 24: Email Katharine # of chicks hatched & how many need a home Day 25: Chick Exchange Day! Bring chicks to Ext. Office by 12 p.m.
4-5 p.m. Session 1 Training Ext. Office Plug in & start incubators & egg turners Contact Katharine with any questions or problems w/ equipment 3-5 p.m. Pick Up eggs U of I Ext. Office Day 1: Set Eggs (as early as possible) Day 7: Optional day to candle eggs Day 14: Optional day to candle eggs
Day 17: Optional day to candle eggs Day 18: Set up brooder box & take eggs out of turner (end of the day) Day 21: Chick Hatch Day! Day 22: Chick Hatch Day! Day 23: Chick Hatch Day! By end of day, dispose of any unhatched eggs Day 24: Email Katharine # of chicks hatched & how many need a home Day 25: Chick Exchange Day! Bring chicks to Ext. Office by 4:30 p.m.