01 VG INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTIONS Orbinox VG valve is specially designed for erosive, abrasive and corrosive slurries applications. The VG is a bidirectional on/off knife gate valve with elastomer sleeves. When installing the VG valve consideration should be given to the following details to insure smooth start up and performance of the equipment
02 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 1 - FF/RF FLANGES VG valves have been designed to be used with full flat or raised face (RF) metal flanges (FF). Additional flange gaskets are not required as the outer face of the sleeve acts against the outlet flange to provide a tight seal.
03 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION When install between rubber lined flanges (Figure 1) or slip on flanges (if pipe protrudes the flange face (Figure 2) or the flange protrudes past the pipe (Figure 3)) a metal plate (*) shall be located between the sleeve and the mating flange. (Please consult the technical department at Orbinox). Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
05 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 2 – OPEN POSITION Valves shall be installed with the gate in the fully open position. Keep in this position until plant start up.
06 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 3 – BOLTING TORQUE Pipe flange bolt torque ranges and maximum depth (T) allowed for the tapped blind bolt holes are published in Table below. Exceeding the recommended torque may engage the elastomer valve sleeves incorrectly.
07 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 4 – MOUNTED POSITION The VG valve can be mounted in any position with regard to the pipe. However, it is advisable to place it vertically in horizontal pipeline (A) if the installation allows it.
08 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION Any valve, which requires an installation other than zero degrees, should have the valve actuator adequately supported.
09 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 5 – FLUSHING Valves installed in an orientation with the actuator in or below horizontal (C* and A*) may require flushing to prevent the build-up of solids in the cavity. Valves should be supplied with conventional leak proof packing and with splash guard.
10 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 6 – SAFE GUARDS Actuated valves shall have always the guards installed. CAUTION. When operating the valve stand clear of any moving parts such as the stem and /or gate assembly. GATE GUARDS SHALL BE ALWAYS INSTALLED.
11 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 7 – LUBRICATION Valves are supplied properly lubricated. They must be lubricated using the lubrication ports which are in the body or spraying the grease directly to the gate. As a minimum VG valves should be lubricated every 100 strokes for 2” – 10” sizes and every 50 strokes for 12” – 48” sizes. If valves cycles very infrequently, less than once per month, lubrication prior to each stroke is recommended. CAUTION: Under no circumstances should a hydrocarbon-based lubricant be used. A silicon base grease shall be used.
12 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 8 – DISCHARGE The VG is a discharging valve type. Small amount of media flush out through the bottom of the valve every time the valve is cycled open or closed. CAUTION. Discharge from VG valves must be taken into consideration when exposure would be hazardous to personnel. Do not install valve over walkways, electrical or other critical equipment without the use of splash guards, drain plates or similar considerations. CAUTION: If a cover or splash guard is installed, DO NOT CLOSE BOTH ENDS, this can result in valve failure.
13 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION These splash guard device can be connected to a piping system to provide a means of carrying the discharge away, to a permanent drain or other collection point. It may require flushing to prevent the build-up of solids in the cavity. Any additional piping system must be prevented to flow freely as this may cause eventual clogging of valve. Keep pipe extensions clear of build-up by regular flushing or cleaning.
12 VG SLEEVES INSTALLATION 9 – SLEEVES With the valve in the fully open position check if there are leaks through the sleeves. Replace the sleeves in case of leakage