Do You Feel Like The Boy In The Story When You Think of Problems In The World or In The U.S.???
Micah 8th Century BC Prophet To Judah
Micah 6 What One Person Can Do
I. ‘Complaint’ Against Judah, 1-7 Hear what the Lord says 1,2 Basic ‘complaint’ 3-5 Revealing Questions 6,7 Does God have a ‘complaint’ against the U.S.???
II. What One Person Can Do, 8 Profound verses in the Bible … The Lord has shown you 8a 1. shown you, o man 2. what is good The Lord requires of you 8b 1. to do justly 2. to love mercy 3. to walk humbly with your God What can you do in 2017?
III. Consequences to Judah, 9-16 Details of the complaint 9-12 Divine consequences of their sin 13-15 Summary 16 Does the U.S. deserve the consequences of national sin?
Applications If you remember what God has done, it should make a difference in your life. Do you remember what God has done? Memorize Micah 6:8. You can make a difference in this country and in the world by faithfully following Micah 6:8. Pray for the United States.