Welcome to a Celebratory Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting Goodbye FY 04 Hello FY 05 BDM
BDM Budget DataMart V6 Summary Review of Last Meeting – 2/20/04 Presentation New JE/JV Tracking Report Possible Items for Discussion Developing New Monthly report – Need Input/volunteers Plans to develop an administrative training curriculum DRAFT Budget Primer What else? Big Picture & Specific areas What would have helped you this past year? Open forum (Smooze time) Share ideas Obtaining direction for the future of the BDM Hearing what you have to say Future meetings BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting 6/30/04 Bishop Center Rm 19
BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting 2/20/04 Bishop Center Rm 19 Meeting Summary There were four sessions held two each for BDM/Brio Quickview and Insight users. A total of 21 people attended. The meetings started with a presentation of the history of the Budget DataMart/Brio from 1996 to the present. The meeting was opened for discussions. The following list of possible items got the conversations going. Sharing Ideas Learning from your peers How do you use the reports? What reports do you like best? What workshops would you like to see offered? Budget Call and BDM reports What direction would you like to see the report development going? (Transactional) Canned reports vs. build your own data models What other resources are you using? –FRS –FOCUS –Control D –Other
BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting 2/20/04 A survey at the end of each meeting was taken. The results are as follows: Do you want more BDM/Brio Users Group meetings in the future? Yes. Four times a year. How should the meetings structured? A combination of Open Forum and specific topics/presentations. Did the meeting times fit into your workday? Yes. Was enough time allotted for the meeting (1.5hr)? Yes. Was the meeting room a good setting? Yes. Some of the Highlights from the meetings Would like to look at old POs. Offer Quickview users a session on what Brio Insight has to offer. Need for all Fiscal Management/Budget training – the Big Picture. –Would like to see an Administrative Institute of Learning where session are offered to assist the administrative staff in doing their jobs. Example: Accounting basics with a focus on UConn systems. Month reports showing what was done for the month. Would like FTE salary history for the year. (This can be done using the YTD expense report.) Brio Insight workshops covering Report building and Pivot reports. Would like the BDM access move from the department level to the sub-department or account level.
BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting 2/20/04 Two common themes in all groups The need for a better understanding of the business practice at UConn. Bridges to the different business areas need to be put in place to lessen the gaps and create a better understanding of what the Users needs are.
Intro to JE & JV Tracking Report It will Assist you in keeping track of JE & JV Activity. The BDM/Brio document has two reports. 1.JE & JV By Account 2.JE & JV by Employee These reports were requested for a specific reason – to put employee name, number and JE/JV information in one report. It took multiple FRS screens to compile the information found in these two reports. Things you need to know about this report Base data model is the same as the one used in the Year to Date reports. You will need to know the JE or JV number to use this report. 6 Limit boxes are presented 1.Fiscal Year (equal) 2.Load Date (equal or greater than) 3.Enter in JE or JV number (equal) 4.Select the SL (subsidiary Ledger) Subcode (begins with) 5.Unit (equal) 6.Department (equal) If you want to run the report again with new date (parameters) you can use the Process feature. You MUST select ALL from the drop down menu or Process All from the icon.
Possible Items for Discussion Developing New Monthly report – Need Input/volunteers Plans to develop an administrative training curriculum DRAFT Budget Primer What else? Big Picture & Specific areas What would have helped you this past year? Open forum (Smooze time) Share ideas Obtaining direction for the future of the BDM Hearing what you have to say
Celebrating A New Fiscal Year 2005 Thank you for attending the BDM Users Group Meeting