UNITED KINGDOM Britain has no such document to be named as constitution There are scattered number of charters and petitions e.g. Great Charter-1215, petition of rights-1628, parliament act 1911.
UNITED KINGDOM The Crown: Hereditary institution Power: appoints and removes officer, summons parliament, fountain of justice, appoints the bishops, fountain of honour.
UNITED KINGDOM The cabinet: royal advisors, cabinet is real head, link between legislature and executive, steering wheel of the ship, different from Privy council and the ministry.
UNITED KINGDOM House of Lords: Hereditary peers, peers from Scotland, Examination and revision of bills Full and free discussion Just over 900 members
UNITED KINGDOM House of commons: lower house, elected body, 635 members, elected for 5 years Powers: Legislative, control of the executive, control of finance, ventilation of grievances,
UNITED KINGDOM Judicial system: County courts, the high Courts, the court of appeal and the house of lords. Judges appointed by the crown
U.S.A Union of 50 states Division of powers
U.S.A President is the head of the executive Power: Executive Legislature Parliament: Congress- Senate and house of representatives
U.S.A Senate: equal power to house of representative, most powerful upper house, House of Representatives: 436 members, elected for 2 years, one member for every 30 thousand, law making and financial control,
U.S.A Judicial system: State courts and federal courts. Supreme court, 11 circuit courts of appeal, 84 district courts, a court of claims and a court of customs.