To conserve, protect, and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds
Local Chapters
National Conservation Agenda Water Quality Instream Flows Pacific and Atlantic Salmon Recovery Wild Salmonid Conservation
2003-2008 Strategic Plan: “Our Values” Healthy Watersheds & Clean Water Wild & Native Trout and Salmon Stewardship & Advocacy
TU Watershed Programs Home Rivers Initiative Bring Back the Natives Private Lands Focus Bring Back the Natives Public Lands Focus Strategies for Native Trout Research and Monitoring Focus Embrace-A-Stream Grassroots Granting Program
Current TU Watershed Programs Brook trout Yellowstone CT Rio Grande CT Lahontan CT Bonneville CT Coho salmon Coaster brook trout Apache trout Bull trout Atlantic Projects scattered across the country 8 staff people dedicated to watershed programs Strategies for Native Trout – intermountain west, cutthroat restoration Home Rivers Initiatives – 2 completed, 3 underway, additional projects under development Bring Back the Natives – Recently reorganized, Pahsimeroi and Apache – brand new efforts just getting underway, Coaster brook trout – BBN funding to augment long-standing grassroots and staff efforts NPS-TU River Restoration Specialist – Based in NH, work focused in NE, but also assistance to other Home Rivers projects USFS-TU Partnership Coordinator – Based in UT, help chapters across the country with Forest Planning input, trout restoration projects, consults on Embrace-A-Stream projects, and stream-side egg incubators Bring Back the Natives Home Rivers Other Projects Strategies for Native Trout
Volunteer Operations Embrace-A-Stream NLC Native Trout Working Group Favors Native Trout Projects NLC Native Trout Working Group Guidelines for Developing a Native Trout Campaign Individual Chapter Projects Education, Resource, and Research