Global Marine Environment Protection Initiative


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Presentation transcript:

Global Marine Environment Protection Initiative G20 expert outreach conference on commodity and energy markets “Sustainable energy: designing policy for G20” St. Petersburg, July 8, 2013 Global Marine Environment Protection Initiative Best Practices Sharing Mechanism Dr. Valery Sorokin Russian GMEP Coordinator

Global Marine Environment Protection Initiative Mandates (from G-20 Leaders’ declarations) Toronto (26-27 June, 2010): “Following the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico we recognize the need to share best practices to protect the marine environment, prevent accidents related to offshore exploration and development, as well as transportation, and deal with their consequences.”  Seoul (November 11-12, 2010): “We welcome the progress achieved by the Global Marine Environment Protection (GMEP) initiative toward the goal of sharing best practices to protect the marine environment, to prevent accidents related to offshore exploration and development, as well as marine transportation, and to deal with their consequences. We recognize the work done by the GMEP Experts Sub-Group and take note of the progress made on reviewing international regulation of offshore oil and gas exploration, production and transport with respect to marine environmental protection as a first step to implement the Toronto mandate. Future work on the GMEP initiative should benefit from relevant findings, as they become available, from the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the United States and the Montara Commission of Inquiry in Australia. We ask the GMEP Experts Sub-Group to provide a further report, with the support of the IMO, OECD, IEA, OPEC, International Regulators Forum, and International Association of Drilling Contractors and, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, to continue work on the effective sharing of best practices at the 2011 Summit in France.”  Cannes (November 3-4, 2011): «We decide to take further action to protect the marine environment, in particular to prevent accidents related to offshore oil and gas exploration and development, as well as marine transportation, and to deal with their consequences. We welcome the establishment of a mechanism to share best practices and information on legal frameworks, experiences in preventing and managing accidents and disasters relating to offshore oil and gas drilling, production and maritime transportation. We ask the Global Marine Environment Protection working group, in cooperation with the OECD, the International Regulators Forum and OPEC, to report next year on progress made and to establish this mechanism in order to disseminate these best practices by mid-2012, at which point it will be reviewed. We also commit to foster dialogue with international organisations and relevant stakeholders». Los Cabos (June 18-19, 2012): “We welcome the establishment of a Global Marine Environment Protection Best Practices Sharing Mechanism website, and look forward to its launch in accordance with the Cannes mandate”. 08.07.2013

GMEP Deliverables Review of international regulation of offshore oil and gas exploration, production and transport with respect to marine environmental protection (GMEP Expert Sub-Group Working Paper) Questionnaire on the GMEP best practices and Answers to the Questionnaire Issue Paper on Sharing Best Practices to Protect the Marine Environment, to Prevent Accidents related to Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Development, as well as Marine Transportation, and to Deal with Their Consequences Terms of Reference (TORs) for the G20 Global Marine Environment Protection (GMEP) Best Practices Sharing Mechanism GMEP Website GMEP face-to-face activities 08.07.2013

GMEP Best Practices Sharing Mechanism Design Sharing information to protect the marine environment and to prevent the accidents related to offshore oil and gas exploration and development, as well as marine transportation and to deal with them and their consequences Component 1 (key part, activity on a continuous basis) GMEP WEBSITE Component 2 (discretionary activity) FACE-TO-FACE ACTIVITIES (incl. conferences, ad hoc seminars, workshops and trainings) 08.07.2013

GMEP Website Design GMEP participants Group of Twenty (19 countries + EU) Spain The Netherlands Norway In cooperation with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), International Regulators Forum (IRF) and Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 08.07.2013

Other Stakeholders of the GMEP Website Non-GMEP WG countries;   Other International Organisations: the International Energy Agency (IEA) the International Maritime Organization (IMO) the Arctic Council the International Energy Forum (IEF) the North Sea Offshore Authorities Forum (NSOAF) the International Offshore Petroleum Environmental Regulators (IOPER) the International Committee on Regulatory Authority, Research and Development (ICRARD); Business, including oil and gas producers and service companies, and industry associations, such as the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP), and business and trade organisations, for example, the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC); Scientific community and civil society organisations. 08.07.2013

Content of the GMEP Website 08.07.2013

Major Relevant Points The GMEP Mechanism is country-led and country-driven. The GMEP Website consists of: a common/home page which will contain the links to the GMEP members’ national web pages, national pages and, based on GMEP members agreement, links to other publicly available, relevant information from other sources submitted on a voluntary basis. 08.07.2013

Major Limitations on GMEP Website The GMEP Website will not discuss or endorse any specific best practices or otherwise provide any recommendations of any type. No commitments or obligations of any type are imposed on GMEP Initiative, participating countries and IOs.   Each GMEP member can choose to share its own best practices to protect the marine environment, to prevent accidents related exclusively to its offshore exploration and development, as well as marine transportation, and to deal with their consequences on national web pages. The national web pages will contain information, including documents and links, selected and provided voluntarily by the respective GMEP Initiative members. The responsibility for the content of, input to and update of the national pages of the individual GMEP Initiative members lies upon the respective GMEP Initiative member. Any data supplied by GMEP Initiative members remains their property. The common and national web pages each includes the disclaimer: “The responsibility for any content of the national pages lies exclusively upon the respective WG member country Government and does not constitute or imply an expression of opinion by the G-20, the GMEP or other WG member countries.” 08.07.2013

G20 GMEP Mechanism on Sharing Best Practices: Content Focus and Dimensions ACTIVITY Sharing best practices and information on legal frameworks , experiences in preventing and managing accidents and disasters relating to: offshore oil and gas drilling offshore oil and gas production maritime transportation Legal Technical Procedural Economic Environmental 08.07.2013

Types of the GMEP Website Content Texts of or links to the relevant international treaties, regional instruments and national laws and regulations; Information or materials on the best practices organized by substantive areas; outlines of the levels by substantive areas including legislation, regulatory guidance, industry and regulatory standards on behavior and safety, and voluntary, consensual standards or practices; documents of the conferences and seminars; Information on all the GMEP Mechanism mandate-related events worldwide, including upcoming conferences, seminars/workshops, training activities, and publications; Information on the scientific studies relevant to the best practices; The country or business best practices to protect the marine environment, to prevent accidents related to the offshore exploration and development, as well as marine transportation, and to deal with their consequences; Regarding a database of accidents and spill responses, the GMEP WG members will have an opportunity to provide voluntarily a record of relevant accidents in the offshore area, listed chronologically and with details on the intensity of environmental and economic damages caused by an accident. This country-based information will be available in an internal database only and, unlike a publicly accessible website, the database could be protected by a password and open only to the GMEP WG members.   08.07.2013

GMEP Website: National Pages Each GMEP Initiative member can share its own best practices to protect the marine environment, to prevent and be prepared for accidents related exclusively to its offshore exploration and development, as well as marine transportation, and to deal with them and their consequences. The national web pages will contain information, including documents and links, selected and provided voluntarily by the GMEP members.   Responsibility for the content of, input to and update of national pages of the individual GMEP members lies upon a respective GMEP member. 08.07.2013

GMEP website as of now: information on 50 best practices from 8 countries   Relating to areas in:   Accident prevention Environmental Protection Oil Spill Response Training & Personnel Factors Marine Transportation On this website, information can be searched by: Individual country, or by Best practice area, or by a General search function 15  on Accident Prevention 16 on Environmental Protection 14 on oil spill response 3 on Human Factors 2 on Marine Transportation 08.07.2013