MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES The CFP reform and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (2014-2020) warsaw Warsaw 8/12/2011
The key elements of the CFP reform Environmental, economic and social sustainability; A future for fisheries and aquaculture industry and attractive jobs; Satisfying consumers’ needs and expectations; Better governance through regionalisation; External dimension (governance outside EU waters, Sustainable Fisheries Agreements); The financial support: European Maritime Fisheries Fund.
MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES Key elements of EMFF It is a Sectoral fund. Allocations based on the importance of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in each Member States; It shall contribute to EU2020 Strategy; it shall accompany the implementation of the CFP; It will encompass the financing of Integrated Maritime Policy. E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 3
Interdependence with other legal instruments MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES Interdependence with other legal instruments Financial Regulation CFP Basic Regulation EMFF Common Provisions with other funds CMOs Regulation
EMFF interaction with other funds and policies It applies the Common Strategic Framework and the Partnership Contracts; It follows a multi-funds approach for local development; The support to the IMP will ensure synergies with broader initiatives, like the Sea basin strategies; There will be coordination with the LIFE Framework Programme (Art.10).
EMFF Architecture (1) 4 Pillars: Sustainable and Smart Fisheries MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES EMFF Architecture (1) 4 Pillars: Sustainable and Smart Fisheries Sustainable and Smart Aquaculture Sustainable development of fisheries areas Integrated Maritime Policy E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 6
EMFF Architecture (2) Other measures : Scientific advice; Data collection; Intervention on the Market; Governance; Fisheries Control; Voluntary contributions to Regional Fisheries Management Organisations; Technical assistance.
FISHERIES Europe 2020 & EMFF EMFF supports thematic objectives of Europe 2020, namely: Promoting growth and jobs; Enhancing the competitiveness in the fisheries and aquaculture sector; Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency; E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 8
What’s new? No more scrapping! FISHERIES What’s new? No more scrapping! Even if nominal fishing capacity is removed at a rate of 2% per year (continuous line in the graph), actual fishing capacity (dotted line) has not decreased, in spite of an investment of €1.65 billion of EU funds in scrapping. The Court of Auditors gave a negative assessment on the funding the scrapping of vessels as a means in order to reduce overcapacity. E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 9
EMFF goals (1) The Green value for fisheries: Limiting the impact on environment by promoting more selective gears or fishing techniques; Promoting initiative aimed at reducing unwanted catches and hence discards; Facilitating the introduction of Transferable Fishing Concessions systems in order to tackle overcapacity; Encouraging management of conservation measures at regional level; Fostering eco-innovation; Promoting the participation of fishermen in management, restoration and monitoring of NATURA 2000 sites and other maritime protected areas (reference to Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Art.38 ); Encouraging protection of biodiversity and the cleaning of the sea (campaigns for collecting litter at sea).
The Social value for fisheries: EMFF goals (2) The Social value for fisheries: Revitalize communities dependent on fishing; Focus on small scale fishing (and higher aid intensity, from 40 to 50%); Continue enhancing health and safety conditions on board; Promote growth and jobs through lifelong learning, new skills, business start-ups with emphasis on emerging maritime sectors; Foster Social dialogue. E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 11
EMFF goals (3) The Economic Value for fisheries: Encourage innovation in products, services, fishing techniques or resources management; Promote local innovation in fisheries areas; Support advisory services for small enterprises; Encourage partnership between scientists and fishermen; Add value to fishery products, in particular through marketing, promotion and quality measures; Create additional sources of income in the coastal areas.
What is new for Aquaculture (1)? FISHERIES What is new for Aquaculture (1)? Growth and jobs : By creating new aquaculture enterprises; By investing in human capital, through support to management, advisory and relief services and life-long learning. Innovation is essential: Encourage off-shore and non-food aquaculture; Create new sources of income through multifunctional aquaculture; Add value to products by developing the processing and marketing stage and through direct sale. E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 13
What is new for Aquaculture (2)? The Sustainable side of Aquaculture : Develop aquaculture through spatial planning and specific infrastructures; Promote high level of environmental protection, including energy efficiency, going beyond the current requirements. Attention to animal welfare: Development of best practices or codes of conduct on bio-security or on animal welfare; Increase the availability of veterinary medicines; Contributing to insurance contracts covering the losses of stocks . E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h
Sustainable development of fisheries areas More support for the local development strategies, networking, animations, in order to produce: Growth and jobs, Social cohesion; Local Innovation. With particular attention to : The Environment as an economic asset; The cultural heritage. Financing the initiatives through a “Multi-funding” approach. E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 15
Data collection measures Special rules: Annual work programmes complementing the multiannual programming and allowing a regular interaction between COM and MS; Ring-fencing of the resources allocated; A Specific section in the Operational Programmes. Advantages: one negotiation and more leverage to comply with data collection obligations.
Market measures Adding value through marketing and processing measures; Measures specifically designed to boost the Producers Organisations, such as support for: - Production and marketing plans; - Storage aid for fish products; Taking care of the situation of the outermost regions: Specific compensation for additional costs in outermost regions for fishery and aquaculture products.
FISHERIES IMP pillar development and implementation of integrated governance of maritime and coastal initiatives at local, regional, national, sea basin, EU and international level; development of cross-sectoral initiatives as integrated maritime surveillance (CISE: Common Information Sharing Environment), maritime spatial planning and the development of a marine knowledge base (Art.82.2); sustainable economic growth, employment, innovation and new technologies within emerging and prospective maritime sectors in coastal regions, in complementarity with established sectoral and national activities (art.81.c); promoting the protection of the marine environment, in particular its biodiversity and marine protected areas such as Natura 2000 sites, and the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources (Art.81.d); E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 18
Conditionality FISHERIES Ex-ante and ex-post conditions Ex-ante: fulfilment of general conditions, like having the administrative capacity. Ex post: performance reserve based on the achievement of milestones related to Europe 2020 objectives. Specific conditions: Compliance of MS and operators with the rules of CFP (denial and withdrawal of aid); Aquaculture Multiannual national strategic plans on the basis of Union’ strategic guidelines. These conditions will : Allow the COM to ensure the compliance with CFP rules; Increase the coherence of the whole policy. E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Slide 19
Financial allocation and resources Shared management with Member States: MEUR 5 520 000 of which: MEUR 4 535 Sustainable development of fisheries, aquaculture and fisheries areas; MEUR 477 Control and Enforcement; MEUR 358 Data Collection; MEUR 105 Outermost regions; MEUR 45 Storage aid for fish products. Direct management: MEUR 1 047 IMP, Scientific Advice, Control, Governance and Technical Assistance.
references Thanks for your attention - COM(2011) 417 13.7.2011 : Communication on the reform of the CFP; - COM(2011) 425 13.7.2011 : Regulation on the Common Fisheries Policy; - COM(2011) 416 13.7.2011 : Regulation on the CMO in fisheries and aquaculture; - COM(2011) 424 13.7.2011 : Communication on external dimension of CFP; - COM(2011) 804 2.12.2011 : Regulation on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Thanks for your attention Giorgio Gallizioli, DG MARE.