Safety Climate Survey 1
What is a safety climate?
“Individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions and patterns of behaviour that determine their commitment to safety management” NHS Education for Scotland 2010 Ie the way things are done around here…
What does a positive safety culture look like? Safety a priority Eliminate “shame and blame” Accept staff will make errors Build systems to make care safer Foster a culture where people can speak up Team training Organizational learning from errors and near-misses
What would a strong safety culture look like in your place of work?
Developing your safety culture Understanding it’s importance Thinking about it Measuring it Discussion & reflection Focussed action to improve Developing your safety culture Understanding its importance Thinking about it Measuring your culture Discussing it and reflecting on results Focussed action to improve it
The Safety Climate Survey Teamwork Workload Communication Leadership Safety systems and learning
5 4 3 2 1 Safety Climate Survey Provide Feedback Prepare to complete the survey 2 Complete survey 3 Discussion and reflection 4 Develop an Action Plan 5 Provide Feedback Quick Guide
Prepare to complete the survey Safety Climate Survey 1 Prepare to complete the survey Nominate a person to coordinate the journey through the Safety Climate Survey in your Practice. It is recommended that this person is not the Practice manager (e.g. a Nurse). We recommend that all staff and anyone involved in or considered part of the Practice team complete the survey. However, it remains at the discretion of each practice to decide which staff groups they invite to participate. Quick Guide
2 Safety Climate Survey Complete survey This is an online survey – all participants will require access to the internet to complete it. It will take each participant up to 10 minutes to complete the survey. To complete the survey please visit The nominated coordinator should remind those who have not completed the survey to do so. Once your team have completed the survey please email to and request your Safety Climate Survey Report. Your practice’s Safety Climate Survey Report will be generated – please note this could take up to 2 weeks. The survey should be completed by February 28th, 2018 Quick Guide
Discussion and reflection Safety Climate Survey 3 Discussion and reflection On receipt of the report, share the results with all Practice team members, including those who did not participate. Meet with all Practice staff to discuss the results. If needed, this can be done in a series of short meetings. You might want to consider outside facilitation – e.g. SiP Clinical Lead and IA. Review and analyse the results by topic - e.g. communication, working conditions etc. Quick Guide
4 Safety Climate Survey Develop an Action Plan Go through the questions on the “Safety Climate Survey Reflection & Action Plan” form. Concentrate on the question “What steps will you take to improve these aspects of your safety culture?”. Encourage feedback on actions that were identified in the small group discussions. Try to identify key actions for safety domains with lowest scores. Try to identify who will take responsibility for the actions and decide on a timescale. Please use the “Safety Climate Survey Reflection & Action Plan” form to carry summarise your practice discussions and action plan on your patient safety climate report. Sum up and agree with the group how they will be kept informed of any developments and progress. Quick Guide
Safety Climate Survey Reflection & Action Plan Safety Climate Survey The purpose of this form is to summarise your practice discussions and action plan on your safety climate report. Please submit your completed form to Nalini Navaranjan at by 29th March, 2018. Safety Climate Survey Quick Guide What positive aspects of your team’s safety culture were highlighted in the report and your discussions? What aspects of your safety culture do you as a team feel you could improve? What steps will you take to improve these aspects of your safety culture? What else might you change to improve your safety culture? Would you like any support or guidance to make changes in your practice? If so, what would be useful?
4 Safety Climate Survey Develop an Action Plan Go through the questions on the “Safety Climate Survey Reflection & Action Plan” form. Concentrate on the question “What steps will you take to improve these aspects of your safety culture?”. Encourage feedback on actions that were identified in the small group discussions. Try to identify key actions for safety domains with lowest scores. Try to identify who will take responsibility for the actions and decide on a timescale. Please use the “Safety Climate Survey Reflection & Action Plan” form to carry summarise your practice discussions and action plan on your patient safety climate report. Sum up and agree with the group how they will be kept informed of any developments and progress. Quick Guide
5 Safety Climate Survey Provide Feedback Complete the “Safety Climate Survey Reflection & Action Plan” form and email to by 29 March 2018 If after a few months you wish to complete the Safety Climate Survey, please contact us and we can send you a new survey link Quick Guide
The survey should be completed by Safety Climate Survey The survey should be completed by February 28th , 2018 Quick Guide
Take 5 minutes to review the sample report Safety Climate Survey Take 5 minutes to review the sample report Discuss in your practice groups the benefits of using the survey in your practice Quick Guide
1 2 3 4 5 Safety Climate Survey Prepare to complete the survey Nominate a person to coordinate the journey through the Safety Climate Survey in your Practice. It is recommended that this person is not the Practice manager (e.g. a Nurse). We recommend that all staff and anyone involved in or considered part of the Practice team complete the survey. However, it remains at the discretion of each practice to decide which staff groups they invite to participate. 1 Prepare to complete the survey Safety Climate Survey Nominate a person to coordinate the journey through the Safety Climate Survey in your Practice. It is recommended that this person is not the Practice manager (e.g. a Nurse). We recommend that all staff and anyone involved in or considered part of the Practice team complete the survey. However, it remains at the discretion of each practice to decide which staff groups they invite to participate. 2 Complete survey Quick Guide Nominate a person to coordinate the journey through the Safety Climate Survey in your Practice. It is recommended that this person is not the Practice manager (e.g. a Nurse). We recommend that all staff and anyone involved in or considered part of the Practice team complete the survey. However, it remains at the discretion of each practice to decide which staff groups they invite to participate. 3 Discussion and reflection Nominate a person to coordinate the journey through the Safety Climate Survey in your Practice. It is recommended that this person is not the Practice manager (e.g. a Nurse). We recommend that all staff and anyone involved in or considered part of the Practice team complete the survey. However, it remains at the discretion of each practice to decide which staff groups they invite to participate. 4 Develop an Action Plan Nominate a person to coordinate the journey through the Safety Climate Survey in your Practice. It is recommended that this person is not the Practice manager (e.g. a Nurse). We recommend that all staff and anyone involved in or considered part of the Practice team complete the survey. However, it remains at the discretion of each practice to decide which staff groups they invite to participate. 5 Provide Feedback
Pearls & pitfalls 1300 instances completed in NZ. 60 practices. Also in pharmacy.
Education “Many of us in the team hadn’t really made the link that us failing to communicate in was a threat to patient safety ….we had a lot of really good stuff come out of it, a lot of very open discussion” BRIEF YOUR STAFF FIRST Improvement not judgment 20
Ensure anonymity “I think it was good that all the data was anonymised, so people felt free to say whatever they wanted, and there was no threat of repercussions afterwards.”
Feed back “There’s not been any like team meeting or anything like that which is really disappointing because there’s a lot of aspects that could be improved upon but I think its more management is worried about confrontation” “…management got the results and were quite pleased so therefore felt it didn’t need action”
Building on positives “You could see you were doing well in certain areas and you were really proud of it and you could take from that and build on it”
Change in culture “We definitely give a lot more feedback now …I think everyone feels like they can say things now” “Well I think the way we record errors now is a lot better …that’s probably been the big change”
Take home messages Brief people beforehand Emphasize anonymity The findings are for your team Improvement not judgement Don’t get too focused on the numbers Concentrate on how you might use them to drive improvements Use your available resources
Thank you
= + Technical Factors (30-20%) Accident Causation Safety Operator Culture Operator Behaviour Human Factors = + (70-80%)
Safety Climate Survey Online Team centred Measurement Diagnosis Catalyst for change Measurement- against other practices. Prev surveys in same practice 31
Teams implementing a checklist for central lines insertion Team Culture Scores Achieving Goal Low 21% Medium 33% High 55%