Purpose of the Workshop by Ms. Fatou Gaye 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6 Introduction June 2- 3 2002 Two day pre-session workshop held in Bonn to build on work identified under Article 6 in the Marrakech Accord: Develop a SBSTA work programme to Promote cooperation and facilitate the implementation of Article 6 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6 Introduction The pre-sessional workshop prepared a draft five year work programme, and was noted as a draft decision, FCCC/SBSTA/2002/L.11/Add 1/Rev 1 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6 Introduction FCCC/SBSTA/2002/L.11/Add 1/Rev 1 Was further considered and endorsed at COP 8, in New Delhi contained in (FCCC/SBSTA/2002/L.23/add 1) Mentioned in SBSTA 17 conclusions (FCCC/SBSTA/2002/L.23) 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Objective of the Workshop Contribute to the implementation of the UNFCCC New-Delhi work Programme on Article 6 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Purpose of the Workshop To identify a way forward in assessing the needs of work already in progress in the Africa Region Identify and set priorities available for possible actions in the short, medium and long term Share relevant experiences and exchange relevant information on National activities including success stories, gaps and limitation to implementation. 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Purpose of the Workshop Highlight and on efforts and extent to which African Parties have reached in the implementation of the Article 6 work programme, which include, Resources Identify existing information networks within the region Come up with possible strategies to further strengthen African networks. 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Purpose of the Workshop These networks in the long term may result to regional, sub-regional and International cooperation. The workshop would come up with recommendations to be implemented at the National and regional levels. The workshop would make it possible to promote integration of African efforts with activities at the global level. 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Expectations from the Workshop This workshop could identify regional expectations on an information network clearing house on Article 6. How the region could use the clearing house as a tool to develop international cooperation for the successful implementation of the New-Delhi work programme. 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6 WAY FORWARD The workshop looks forward to: Engage all stakeholders to develop and implement policies related to climate change in accordance with sustainable development Developing national work programmes that would enhance cooperation, coordination and exchange of information among IGOS, NGOS, CBOs, private and public sectors. 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6 Way Forward The workshop looks forward to: Accessing adequate financial and technical resources for the effective implementation of identified activities under Article 6; National, sub-regional, regional and international (including Bilateral, GEF and other sources) 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6
Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6 Way Forward I look forward to contributions from all in this room, to ensure, that the outlined objective and the purposes are met…….. I thank you all for listening 28 February, 2019 Africa Region Workshop on UNFCCC Article 6