Martin Gorick 007 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.


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Presentation transcript:

Martin Gorick 007 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Churches need to be.. Present and Engaged

Growing New Churches and Congregations Church Plants and Fresh Expressions

Working with many partners to see new communities flourish

Over the next 5 years we will: Recruit a Programme Manager Develop 2 new Resourcing Hubs Enable 7 new Church Grafts or Plants able to grow to 100+ people Rejoice in 50 new Fresh Expressions or new congregations of any shape or size

Table Discussion What are the people and places that your current parish ministry does not reach? What could make the difference?


Haven’t we got more than enough churches already Haven’t we got more than enough churches already? Is this taking resource away from rural mission and ministry? Do small fresh expressions of church really make a difference?

Will the church plants all be of the same tradition Will the church plants all be of the same tradition? Are we surrendering to a church growth agenda ruled by numbers? Who will broker and encourage these developments?

Will this lead to a more sustainable Diocese in the future Will this lead to a more sustainable Diocese in the future? Is this about human endeavour or God’s grace?

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