WEBINAR TITLE SAS Review DATE and TIME December 20, 9:30-10:30 am AUDIENCE Curriculum Coordinators PURPOSE Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review PRESENTERS Cori Cotner, Director of Educational Planning
Welcome! You should be able to hear my voice at this time. If not, please use the Audio Menu above to check your Speaker and Microphone Settings. If you are unable to adjust the properly. Check your computer Sound Settings from your Control Panel. pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
5 Minutes pennsylvania Welcome! We will begin the webinar in approximately: 5 Minutes pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
Welcome! You should be able to hear my voice at this time. If not, please use the Audio Menu above to check your Speaker and Microphone Settings. If you are unable to adjust the properly. Check your computer Sound Settings from your Control Panel. pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania This Webinar is being recorded! Please note this webinar is being recorded. We ask that you mute your microphone when not speaking. Also, please limit background noise in your environment. This will help us produce a high quality recording for future use. pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
Welcome! It’s time to begin. One last check on your audio settings. At this point, you should be hearing my voice. If you do not, please check your speaker and microphone settings using the Audio Menu above. If you are unable to resolve your audio issues from the menu above, please check your Sound Settings from your computer’s Control Panel. pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
Screen Tour pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
Screen Tour pennsylvania #1 Raising Hand #2 Audio Mute #3 Chat Box #4 Annotations #5 Screen Sharing (Let them know what may happen) #6 Issues (Kicked off, coming back in, etc.) #7 Enlarging Window #8 Speaking pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania Teacher Specific Data Effective 2016-2017 SY * PVASS / Growth 3 Year Rolling Average 2013-2014 SY 2014-2015 SY 2015-2016 SY Other data as provided in Act 82 * Part of 2015-2016 SY http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
Elective Data / SLOs Optional 2013-2014 SY Effective 2014-2015 SY District Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania School Building Data Effective 2013-2014 SY Indicators of Academic Achievement Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups Academic Growth PVAAS Other Academic Indicators Credit for Advanced Achievement http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania Observation / Evidence Effective 2013-2014 SY Danielson Framework Domains Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania Observation / Evidence Danielson Framework Domains Planning and Preparation Educational Environment Delivery of Service Professional Development http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania Student Performance of All Students in the School Building in which the Non-Teaching Professional Employee is Employed District Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania Building Level Data/School Performance Profile Indicators of Academic Achievement Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups Academic Growth PVAAS Other Academic Indicators Credit for Advanced Achievement http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania Correlation Data / Relationships based on Teacher Level Measures http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania Elective Data / SLOs http://pdesas.org Teaching District Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
pennsylvania Observation / Evidence Framework for Leadership Domains Strategic / Cultural Leadership Systems Leadership Leadership for Learning Professional and Community Leadership http://pdesas.org Teaching Non-Teaching Principals pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
Conclusion pennsylvania http://pdesas.org DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review
For additional information on BLaST services, contact: This webinar was provided by BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 Williamsport PA. For additional information on BLaST services, contact: Cori Cotner, Director of Educational Planning ccotner@iu17.org 570.323.8561 Visit us online at: http://IU17.org © Copyright 2013: BLaST Intermediate Unit 17, 2400 Reach Road, Williamsport PA, 17701
WEBINAR TITLE SAS Review DATE and TIME December 20, 9:30-10:30 am AUDIENCE Curriculum Coordinators PURPOSE Measuring Educator Effectiveness: A Systems Review PRESENTERS Cori Cotner, Director of Educational Planning