Team Members/University Project Title Team Members/University Industry Partner Background Current practice and limitations-what is the problem/technology gap of the industry partner? Why is this important? Include visuals if applicable Provide bullet points/short sentences Project Description What is the proposed solution? Any assumptions/limitations? Provide results and data to support your solution. Use graphics/visuals and short sentences Anticipated Impact What is the project benefit to the industry partner? Other users? What are the risks/payoffs? Innovation What is innovative/new about your project? Include visuals if applicable Provide bullet points/ short sentences Path Forward What are the next steps to transition this technology? Any milestones to meet? How will you know if this project has been successful?
JCATI Symposium Poster Instructions The poster template is a result of industry and academic feedback. Multiple symposium attendees mentioned that posters were full of text blocks making it difficult to easily identify the project purpose, proposed solution and effect on industry partner. You must use the headings but you don’t have to draw borders around each section. I used them to give you a visual guide for dividing up the slide. You have plenty of room to be creative and still get your scientific point across.