“. . . for we must Consider that we shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us; so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world . . .” - John Winthop Why does Winthop describe his colony like a “City upon a hill” with “the eyes of all people upon us.” What is a utopia?
Today’s target: Explain why the Pilgrims & Puritans came to America 2) Identify common features of the New England colonies
Buddhism Islam Hinduism Christianity Judaism Catholic Church Protestants (Lutherans) Eastern Orthodox Church of England Other Protestants Puritans Separatists (separate) (purify) The Pilgrims (gobble, gobble!) Persecuted by English government
Separatists (Pilgrims) flee to the Netherlands Chapter 3.2 New England Colonies Effects Cause Effect/Cause Separatists (Pilgrims) flee to the Netherlands Separatists want to leave the Church of England King James persecutes the Separatists 1. Pilgrims immigrate to America * Establish a “Religious Utopia” & freedom from persecution
Land here Sail for here
Pilgrims land in area beyond Virginia Company’s Charter Sign Cause Effects Pilgrims land in area beyond Virginia Company’s Charter Sign “Mayflower Compact” (agreement) 2. Establish self-govt & majority rule; a key step in development of democratic gov’t in America Squanto & Samoset teach Pilgrims to grow native crops; hunting/fishing 3. Pilgrims survive first year & celebrate first Thanksgiving * Become self-sufficient; colony is “sustainable” (on-going) * “Great Migration”; society based values on: religion, hard-work, education, & representative govt; “Town Hall Meetings” Church & communities spread across New England Puritans are persecuted in England Massachusetts Bay Company is formed & receives charter to settle New England 4.
Read 3.2 & describe the kind of society that the Puritans created in America:
Puritans are persecuted in England Cause Effects Puritan Democratic Traditions Puritans are persecuted in England Massachusetts Bay Company is formed & receives charter to settle New England 4. they are are self-governing * “Town Hall Meetings”
Roger Williams banished & founds Rhode Island * Religious freedom Chapter 3.2 New England Colonies Effect Roger Williams banished & founds Rhode Island 5. * Religious freedom * Separation of church & state Cause * Establishes first Baptist church in America Puritans are intolerant of other religious views Puritan dissenters form New Hampshire & Connecticut colonies Fundamental Orders of Connecticut – 1st written Constitution in America 6. Conflict w/Natives over land disputes & cultural differences * King Philip’s War * Natives power destroyed * Settlements expanded
MARK IT UP! On the map, circle the landing site of the Pilgrims MARK IT UP! Draw a triangle around the landing site of the Puritans. Compare the geographic locations of Boston and Plymouth: Boston is north of Plymouth; Boston is located on a larger bay & has a larger harbor
As you view “America: The Story of US” (The Pilgrims), look for information that will help answer the following questions: Why did the Pilgrims settle in America? What hardships did they face? How did the natives help the Pilgrims? How did the Pilgrims celebrate their peace with the natives & their harvest? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyA0FrWNakA (~10 min) begin @ 8:36 – 18:50