Scientific Support to Policies EAQC-WISE European Analytical Quality Control in support of the Water Framework Directive via the Water Information System for Europe EAQC-WISE supporting the QA/QC Commission decision development Co-ordinator: BRGM (Fr) Scientific co-ordinator: JRC/IRMM Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005 1
General Context / Link between several actions in parallel A Common Strategy for Implementation aiming to a Common understanding and approach Elaboration of guidance on key challenges / exchanges of good practices on specific issues / development of legally binding documents 6thFP Research projects in Priority “Scientific Support to Policies” such as EAQC-WISE (European Analytical Quality Control), SWIFT-WFD Developing scientific knowledge in direct support to (water) policy needs Timeframe of the implementation of the WFD monitoring programme to be operational by the end of 2006 first River Basin Management Plan: 2009 (updates every 6 years) Programme of measures: 2012, then Follow-up of the efficiency of measures Environmental objectives to be reached in 2015 Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
QA/QC Commission decision development Necessity Timing of implementation of WFD Implementation of the WFD based on measurement results Need for ensuring data quality and comparability at EU level Notably with regard to the legal compliance regime QA/QC Commission decision development Is a cross-cutting document (SW, MW, GW) on criteria regarding the performance of analytical methods will pose the foundation concerning analytical issues to ensure that QA/QC principles established under existing standards (ISO17025) will be mandatory within the WFD monitoring framework. Intend to be pragmatic: mimimum requirement has to be available before the start of the WFD monitoring programmes (end of 2006) is a legally-binding text which has to be developed with Member States and with support from RTD experts Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
A Step further…. EAQC-WISE European Analytical Quality Control in support of the Water Framework Directive via the Water Information System for Europe provide the scientific basis for developing and maintaining a sustainable pan-EU QA/QC system for water and related soil monitoring data that can be deployed in an integrated way at the regional, national and European level to ensure the reliability and comparability of these data in support of the Water Framework Directive and the future EU soil policy related-monitoring programmes Priority should be given to priority pollutants in the case of surface waters, and to pollutants for which groundwater threshold values will have to be established under the new Groundwater Directive. Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
6th FP “Scientific Support to Policies” project EAQC-WISE European Analytical Quality Control in support of the Water Framework Directive via the Water Information System for Europe 6th FP “Scientific Support to Policies” project Coordinator : BRGM (FR) & Scientific coordinator : JRC-IRMM 17 partners from 10 countries : FR, AT, UK, SL, SK, DE, IT, NL, PL, SE Start date: 1st December 2005 ; duration 3 years Objectives To study different structures & existing QA/QC system at national and EU level To identify gaps and needs for additional research and standardisation To derive a recommended approach of a QA/QC system that is likely to work at Member State, at river basin and at European scale. To assess the impact of such a recommended AQC system. To check the applicability and validity by means of case studies To derive a communication system to efficiently link scientific and policy-making communities To produce a sustainable dissemination mechanism of reliable training appropriate to laboratories engaged in the analysis of matrices associated with WFD implementation Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
EAQC-WISE short-term objective (within the first 6 months of the project) a review and consolidation of existing knowledge and activities at EU level should be undertaken while establishing links to all relevant on-going RTD projects and networks, tool developers (proficiency testing schemes or reference materials), training facilities and policy-implementers. This phase should lead to an identification of any gaps in knowledge (research and standardisation needs) In the medium-term (2006-2007) activities should be developed to fill in the gaps identified above, e.g. developing new monitoring strategies (with test cases linked to the WFD Pilot River Basin network), proficiency testing schemes, reference materials, focused training activities etc. In the long term (beyond 2008) The project outputs should provide the scientific basis for developing and maintaining a sustainable quality control system, which would coordinate tailor-made proficiency testing activities, reference material production, research and training at the EU level in support of water and soil policies, with regular exchanges of good practices. Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
EAQC-WISE Progress / short-term objective Contribution to review and drafting of CMA QA/QC paper Opportunity of Integration of some elements from EAQC-WISE in the current CMA drafts Review and consolidation of existing knowledge and activities at EU level Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
Enquiry at EU level through a common questionnaire EAQC-WISE Progress / short-term objective Review and consolidation of existing knowledge and activities at EU level Enquiry at EU level through a common questionnaire Target people: monitoring labs, competent authorities including PRB authorities, accredited bodies Clusters of questions addressing certain issues in order to disclose gaps and needs (e.g. Sampling practices, knowledge about uncertainty, checking AQC issues assignment of responsabilities ….) Links / interactions with other RTD projects and networks dealing with: AQC schemes specific WFD matrices the implementation of WFD Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
On-going or recently completed RTD projects dealing with AQC schemes EAQC-WISE Progress / short-term objective Links / interactions with other RTD projects & networks On-going or recently completed RTD projects dealing with AQC schemes METROPOLIS, SWIFT, NORMAN, HORIZONTAL, EVISA, QUASH, QUACH, QUA-NAS Inventory of European RTD networks, projects or protocols dealing with specific WFD matrices Soils, sediments and suspended matters: SEDNET, AQUATERRA Ground water: BASELINE, BRIDGE Coastal and transitional waters: QUASIMEME, ICES, OSPAR Drinking water (surface water used for production of): WEKNOW Review of research projects related to the implementation of WFD for: Surface water (River Basin Commissions): Danube Elbe Rhine Odra Transitional waters: The Netherlands Danube Delta Coastal waters: Baltic Sea North Sea Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Ground waters: The Netherlands France Austria Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
A special attention will be paid to: Sampling EAQC-WISE Progress / short-term objective WP2 – Research and standardisation needs A special attention will be paid to: Sampling Research for analysis of “difficult” WFD Priority Substances Research into minimum requirements on quality of data feeding statistical programmes and databases Harmonisation of data reporting (minimum QA/QC requirements) Research into traceability for "on-site" measurements Research into the problem of interaction between soils and water for QA/QC aspects : gaps in leaching/extraction tests Usability of WFD data obtained under different monitoring schemes … Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
EAQC-WISE Progress / short-term objective Preliminary draft report on the state of the art of QA/QC in environmental monitoring and identification of gaps in knowledge May 2006 Decision about the direction to be followed for the QA/QC to be recommended / interaction with stakeholders and end users Workshop in November 2006, Paris Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005
Thanks for your attention ! Kick off meeting 12-13 December 2005