PYTHON: BUILDING BLOCKS 8.2.2 - Inputs & Outputs Year 8 Computer Science - Midhurst Rother College
STARTER CHALLENGE Chatbot 2000 is a program designed to talk to you. The teacher will play the program now and chatbot 2000 will ask you some questions about how he was created.
LESSON OBJECTIVES Be able to define the terms input and output. Implement these in python.
INPUT When we put information / data into the program. Used as otherwise code could never get any new information. This could be from a person or could be from a file or another program. Once it’s in the program it’s stored in a variable.
CLASS DISCUSS: What data / information could we input for these programs: Instagram Facebook Your Favourite Game THINK: about ideas on your own. PAIR: discuss your thoughts with the person next to you. SHARE: your thoughts with the rest of the class.
OUTPUT When the program gives us information back. Used as otherwise we’d never know what our program does! Could be to a monitor, speaker, file, printer etc… Doesn’t mean it’s no longer stored in the program. Can be both temporary (a song from speakers) or permanent (a printed page, a saved file).
CLASS DISCUSS: What data / information would be output for these programs: Instagram Facebook Your Favourite Game THINK: about ideas on your own. PAIR: discuss your thoughts with the person next to you. SHARE: your thoughts with the rest of the class.
YOUR TASK Start the tasks in the 8.2.2 chatbot task sheet found on Work your way through from mild to hot Remember in your workbook to: Read the work carefully. Open any other tasks needed. At the end of a lesson in the box for this topic add a screenshot of the most complex task you got working. Update your keyword table.
TASK DISCUSS: Which heat level did you reach? How long is your program? Who created the best chatbot?
YOUR EVIDENCE Remember in your workbook to: In the box for this topic add a screenshot of the most complex task you got working. Write a short paragraph of what you learnt this lesson. Did you face any challenges? How did you overcome them? Did you face any errors (e.g. syntax)? How did you find and correct them? Update your keyword table.
THINGS TO REMEMBER From the unit so far, you need to remember what the following mean: Algorithm Variable Function Input / Output Can you remember?
Code the conversation on the board. “Hello” “What’s your name?” “It’s great to meet you Phil!” “Do you like pizza?” “No?!? I don’t believe it!” “Do you like coke?” “Yes? You need to brush your teeth!” “Thanks for talking to me Phil.” PLENARY Code the conversation on the board.