Always use the right equipment for the task


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Always use the right equipment for the task !!!!
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Check equipment prior to start the job
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Seek assistance of Banksman while reversing the vehicle
Use only certified lifting equipment in good condition
Safe distance from the edge Maintain a safe distance while driving
Always keep your hands and fingers away from the Line of Fire
Always keep your equipment maintained
PDO Second Alert What happened? Your learning from this incident..
Check Level Setup prior Lifting & Lowering Operation
Always adhere to Red/No Go zones
Always drive to the road conditions!
Keep away from “Line of Fire”
Vehicles to Keep Safe Distance at all times
Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors
Always position the crane boom correctly before slinging the casing
Driving rules are for saving lives – adhere to it always
Beware of raised edges of walk ways.
Presentation transcript:

Always use the right equipment for the task PDO Second Alert Date: 08.04.2018 Incident: HiPo What happened? A Back Hoe Loader carrying back filling material was passing underneath an over head 2-inch dia Instrument air line inside a live gas plant. While passing the line the rear arm of the loader hit the line as the vehicle recoiled when the operator applied brake. Due to the impact the line detached from its threaded flange which caused trip of two running compressors in the station. Your learning from this incident.. Always check and inspect worksite for obstructions/hazards before vehicle and equipment movement. Vehicle route map and line walk are mandatory for PTW in live facilities For any change in equipment, including make and model, follow dynamic risk assessment / MOC process Always ensure the equipment used for the task is suitable and fit for purpose. Place warning signs and goal posts at the work site, if height restrictions are identified. Always use the right equipment for the task

Management self audit Date: 08.04.2018 Incident: HiPo As a learning from this incident and ensure continual improvement all contract managers must review their HSE HEMP against the questions asked below Confirm the following: Do you regularly check/inspect worksites for obstructions/Hazards (e.g. height restrictions) before vehicle and Equipment Movement? Do you ensure that the latest version of PTW formats are being used? Do you ensure selection of right equipment fit for the job considering the nature of the work site? Do you follow HSE Dynamic risk assessment / MOC process for any change in equipment including make and model for the job? Do you ensure that plant and equipment movement/operations inside live facilities are always controlled by banksman? Do you consider the difference in dimension of equipment’s in HEMP controls / TRIC? Make a list of closed questions (only ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as an answer) to ask other contractors if they have the same issues based on the management or HSE-MS failings or shortfalls identified in the investigation. Pretend you have to audit other companies to see if they could have the same issues.