Supplementary figure 1 A. Ctrl PB b III Tubulin F actin Hoechst * B.


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Presentation transcript:

Supplementary figure 1 A. Ctrl PB b III Tubulin F actin Hoechst * B. 20 40 60 80 100 120 * B. H3 AcK9-14 b-actin 43 KD 17KD Ctrl 4h 8h 24h PB Average neurite length/cell (µm) Ctrl PB C. 160 ** 140 * Average neurite length/cell (µm) 120 100 80 60 ** ** ** 40 20 Ctrl TSA dbcAMP Ctrl TSA dbcAMP Actinomycin D

Ctrl TSA Ctrl TSA Supplementary figure 2 A. Hoechst β III Tubulin B.

Supplementary figure 3 A. ** ** ** Ctrl TSA PB dbcAMP B. * * * 120 ** ** 100 ** Average neurite length/cell (µm) 80 60 40 20 Ctrl TSA PB dbcAMP B. 120 * Ctrl TSA 100 * Average neurite length/cell (µm) * 80 60 40 20 Actinomycin D Flavopiridol b-actin 43 KD H3 AcK9-14 17 KD PDL Myelin C.

RT-PCR- arbitrary units Supplementary figure Supplementary figure 4 A. 120 RNAi CBP 100 RNAi p300 RNAi P/CAF 80 RT-PCR- arbitrary units 60 40 20 B. GFP-Scr CBP-p300 siRNA GFP-Scr P/CAF shRNA GFP Hoechst GFP P/CAF CBP Hoechst

Supplementary figure 4 C. GFP-Scr +TSA 1ng/ml CBP-p300 siRNA +TSA 1ng/ml GFP-Scr +TSA 1ng/ml P/CAF shRNA +TSA 1ng/ml GFP Hoechst GFP P/CAF CBP Hoechst 120 Ctrl 100 CBP/p300 siRNA 80 P/CAF shRNA Pixel intentiy.-arbitrary units 60 40 ** ** ** ** 20 vehicle TSA

Supplementary figure 4 D. GFP-Scr CBP-p300 siRNA P/CAF shRNA GFP E. GFP-Scr +TSA 1ng/ml CBP-p300 siRNA +TSA 1ng/ml P/CAF shRNA +TSA 1ng/ml H3 AcK9-14 Hoechst

% of transfected neurons with cleaved Capspase 3 staining Supplementary figure 4 F. 50 40 30 % of transfected neurons with apoptotic features (fragmented or picnotic nuclei) 20 10 GFP-scr P/CAF shRNA CBP/p300 siRNA G. 50 40 % of transfected neurons with cleaved Capspase 3 staining 30 20 10 GFP-scr P/CAF shRNA CBP/p300 siRNA

Average neurite length/cell Supplementary figure 5 A. AcH3 K9-14 CBP Hoechst AcH3 K9-14 p300 Hoechst B. C. D. TSA TSA 140 80 Ctrl TSA 120 70 120 ** 60 100 100 Average neurite length/cell 50 Arbitrary Units 80 80 ** 40 Arbitrary Units 60 60 30 40 40 20 20 20 10 ** Ctrl TSA High Low High Low AcH3K9-14 AcH3K9-14

Supplementary figure 6 A. aTub1a SCG-10 Chl1 L1cam CAP-23 Lgals1 +1 -4000 -5000 -3000 -2000 -1000 p53 putative binding site Trans. starting site

** * * * * * ** * * Supplementary figure 6 B. a-Tubulin 1a Lcam1 SCG10 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ** * Fold change TSA / vehicle Fold change TSA / vehicle Ctrl 4h 8h 24h Ctrl 4h 8h 24h SCG10 CAP 23 * 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Fold change TSA / vehicle Fold change TSA / vehicle Ctrl 4h 8h 24h Ctrl 4h 8h 24h Chl1 Lgals1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 * * ** * * * Fold change TSA / vehicle Fold change TSA / vehicle Ctrl 4h 8h 24h Ctrl 4h 8h 24h

% of transfected neurons with cleaved active caspase 3 positive cells Supplementary figure 7 A. 50 40 30 % of transfected neurons with apoptotic features (fragmented or pyknotic nuclei) 20 10 GFP p53 K-R B. 50 40 30 % of transfected neurons with cleaved active caspase 3 positive cells 20 10 GFP p53 K-R