What Number Am I?
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number does not have any tens. It has a 5 in the ones place. It has a 5 in the hundreds place. 1.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number has a 6 in the hundreds place. It has a 3 in the tens place. It has a 1 in the ones place. 2.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number does not have any hundreds. It has a 2 in the tens place. It has a 7 in the ones place. 3.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number has a 5 in the tens place. It has an 8 in the ones place. It has a 4 in the hundreds place. 4.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number has a 9 in the tens place. It has 5 hundreds. It has a 2 in the ones place. 5.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number has a 7 in the tens place. There are 8 hundreds. It has a 1 in the ones place. 6.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number has 1 hundred. It has a 5 in the tens place. It has a 7 in the ones place. 7.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number has a 9 in the tens place. It has a 7 in the ones place. There are 4 hundreds. 8.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number has 8 hundreds. It has a 7 in the tens place. It has a 6 in the ones place. 9.
WHAT NUMBER AM I? A number has a 6 in the tens place. There are 2 hundreds. It has a 0 in the ones place. 10.
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