What is year two like? Building on learning from year one Consolidation and reinforcement Deep understanding and application of learning Assessments in Reading, maths and writing (including GAPS) Still time for lots of creativity (three year rolling programme)
Class structure at Bournebrook Cherry 20 Reception children Elm 20 year one children, 10 year two children Willow 10 year two children, 20 year three children Beech 20 year four children, 10 year five children Ash 10 year five children, 20 year six children
How are class splits decided? Range of evidence from year one and year four Class teachers make recommendations Headteacher approves and Governors see an anonymised list with evidence
How do we teach mixed year classes? All children are entitled to receive the curriculum of the year they are in Some children will progress through this faster than others – differentiation Differentiation happens in single year classes too Mixed year classes are commonplace and teachers are adept at teaching them
What’s the Framework for end of KS1? Attainment at the end of KS1 is teacher assessment, using test outcomes as additional evidence Teachers collect evidence for a comprehensive list of things children are able to do Children cannot be awarded the standard without significant evidence of each strand in that standard Children cannot be awarded a standard without having full evidence of the standard below
Why does my child not have the same work or homework as others in the year? Children working on the Y2 curriculum will all be at different levels within it Teachers plan work for your child’s “next steps”. This may not be the same as another year two child’s next steps Teachers might be trying to fill a gap in the evidence bank Teachers may be doing different topics at different times
What happens at the end of the year? Children take KS1 sats in May Evidence (children’s work and test results) is used to come to a judgement whether the child is at ARE (age related expectations) This is moderated with other schools in the Consortium This CAN be externally moderated by Warwickshire Authority (we were externally moderated in 2016 and 2017)
How did children in Elm and Willow fare? 90% of children achieved the expected standard in Reading 81% of children achieved the expected standard in Writing 90% of children achieved the expected standard in Maths 100% of children achieved or exceeded the expected progress for the year
Any questions?