Website production
Elements of a webpage Title Graphics Advertising Headlines Content Navigation system Information and contact details
The development of a ‘lifecycle’ Identify mission and goals Define the audience Create site maps Identify the technology to be used Define business requirements Design page layout Create a visual design Develop the site Test the site
Navigation and usability Users must feel in control of the experience while at the same time being led to the information the site's owners want them to see. Must be intuitive and easily understood. Navigation controls the user's experience of every website Consistency in navigation is vital.
Developing a website Technically complex Knowledge of and ability in HTML and CSS May need a variety of experts to work on one website
Writing for the internet Text construction Inverted pyramids Page length Typical corporate page Conventional users page
Advertising a site Site submission to search engines. Inform others about it in appropriate forums Peers link to it from their sites User’s referring to it in offline communication. Some search engines rank relevance of pages by how many other sites link to them. Provide high-quality information or entertainment Treat the users as individuals