Breast the wave, Christian, When it is strongest;


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Presentation transcript:

Breast the wave, Christian, When it is strongest; Watch for day, Christian, When the night’s longest; Onward and onward still Be thine endeavor; The rest that remaineth Will be forever. 1-3 Words by Joseph Stammers / Music by William C. Filby

Fight the fight, Christian, Breast The Wave, Christian Fight the fight, Christian, Jesus is o’er thee; Run the race, Christian, Heav’n is before thee; He Who hath promised Faltereth never; The love of eternity Flows on forever. 2-3

Lift thine eye, Christian, just as it closeth; Breast The Wave, Christian Lift thine eye, Christian, just as it closeth; Raise thy heart, Christian, Ere it reposeth; Thee from the love of Christ Nothing shall sever; And when thy work is done, Praise Him forever. Amen. 3-3