Report Of further work on Prioritization 5th meeting WG-E
Start 4th WG-E meeting comments on Subgroup work: JRC/UK proposal complementary to INERIS prioritisation exercise JRC/UK proposal open to comment Comments received from DK, SE, ECPA, CEFIC Principles of prioritisation in general accepted (all comments) Proposed PS: adding substances classified as being hazardous for aquatic environment R50-R53 (DK); some substance groups and substances (SE) European representative-ness, but only SPIN-database keeps additional information on tonnage / use Check data- availability for plant protection products, data have been provided by EU review reports Sub-group of WG-E “Emission of Priority Substances” started work and may contribute SPIN Database = database from Nordic countries So far (17/03/2009) JRC has not received new data from Subgroup-WG-E “Emissions of Priority Substances”
JRC Draft Universe of Chemicals INPUT (external) INERIS (INERIS data) UK (UK data) NORMAN (emerging substances) European Parliament proposals Substances / Substance groups proposed by SE INPUT (JRC) ClassLab (R50-R53) Registration date of List of REACH pre-registered substances Substance identification data from EINECS Structures and substance identification data from JRC QSSAR databases Data compilation Information provided by NORMAN projects = Network of reference laboratories, research centres and related organisations for monitoring of emerging environmental substances» To the EINECS substances JRC has updated the list containing structural information for 72,561 chemicals and it is now available for download, along with supporting information on the generation and quality control of structures On substances groups, for some substances proper CAS number is missing HPVC under REACH will be evaluated after 2010 Data merge by CAS, if available
Draft Universe of Chemicals - Results CAS - merge Number of records total 1255 Source INERIS 897 Source not INERIS 358 Substance identification completed 1123 Organics (QSAR potentially for PBT assessment applicable) 992 No CAS available (mainly substance categories) 64 Note that the total number of substances (358) arriving form external proposals are higher than expected. No CAS available for substances categories e.g. organotin compounds Data available at > > WORKSHOP PRIORITISATION PS > UNIVERSE OF CHEMICALS
Draft Universe of Chemicals Proposed next steps Completion of substance identification Proposal to group substances for prioritization (such like organic-tin-compounds, plant protection products Integration of databases (such like footprint – hazard properties of plant protection products, DSSTOX Integration of QSAR to fill data gaps Next meeting of Sub-group “Prioritization of substances”? (May, 2009) Groups of substances according to an EU wide representativeness e.g. pesticides by chemical class and mode of action DSSTOX Distributed Structure-Searchable Toxicity (DSSTox) Public Database Network is a US EPA database